A recent report regarding the deep sea mining of essential minerals will play havoc with the marine ecosystem. Electric cars and wind turbines and computers need these minerals. The petrochemical companies must welcome this report as it diverts attention from what they have done to the atmosphere. Agrochemical/agriindustrial companies are doing the same to. our land. Does the human beings captacious greed and stupidity know no bounds?


The Daily Mail is gearing up for the culture war – or is it a war on culture – or just a war against people who are not bigoted racists, misogenysts and homophobes?

120, mostly English, barristers have said they will not act for prosecutors of climate activists, or fossil fuel companies. The Fail calls them woke. Being Woke gets better and better! To being a caring person without too many prejudices I can now add being a person of principle and proud to call out big business regarding profit versus life on Earth.

Next week the government will change tack from a green future to one of energy security. This means it will do whatever the petro-chemical companies say rather than invest in a green future for our children. Baastards.


Fit for purpose? If that purpose is to create stress and encourage teachers to leave the profession – then yes.

Any former teacher could walk into a school and wander around visiting the library, the lunch hall and past classrooms to get a good impression of the quality of the education being offered. The scoring of lessons is pointless – I was told I had to follow a set formulae for the lesson – those who followed it to the letter scored highest, regardless of the participation of students. Fortunately all the OFSTED Inspectors who visited me were happy. I had a tutor group where some unsavory students decided to make the newletter handed out into paper airplanes (bastards) whilst I was being observedm but the inspector looked me out at the end of the day to congatulate me on my work as a tutor.

Results from our ridiculous testing system will reveal problems areas, as would the SMT if the result was a positive initiative of suggests for improvement. Education and teaching is not a factory production line where e.g. foodstuffs need 100% compliance. teachers need to have different styles and personalities – students should have likes and dislikes – it is part of the learning situation, for life in the big wide world. Most jobs and other situations require us to cope with a wide range of situatios and personalities. Most M.P.s seem to have a large number of off days. Teachers can produce wonderful lesson plans that fall apart rapidly due to the changing circumstances of their clientele.

So back to OFSTED. They come in and judge careers on a 30 minute or longer sample chosen at random. Questionnaires are sent to parents (guess the type of parent who responds) rather than inviting some in, who would then need to substantiate their criticisms or compliments with some evidence. OFSTED shoukd be seen as a positive organisation that can be called in to help and advise when there is a problem. Why waste tax payers money visiting schools that are doing nicely (parents know which ones these are) – better to put the money and resources into helping those in need. Oh fuck – is that too WOKE?


At £5000 an our Johnsons lawyer could have come up with some better excuses. To be fair to Lord Pinnock Johnson was doing OK when he started off with the script. Unfortunately he had to actually answer the questions (unlike PMQT). His credibility is now destroyed. To make it worse for him the rebellion he hoped to ignite became a whimper with just 22 tories viting against the Government on the Stormont break. Further attempts to implicate Sunak during the committee hearing also seemed to come to nothing.

Sunak also manahed to smeak out his redacted tax pyments for the last 3 years (£1million paid). Johnsons best bet looks like being asked to host a GBNews programme with other losers like Sleaze-Dogg and Farage. The ERG will no doubt have a few more rants and concentrate on “Culture Wars”. Is Sunak now brave enough to see them off?


USA annual human rights assessment said Rwanda was operating dangerous prison conditions, arbitary detention, restrictions on free speech and impronment of journalists. Braverman refers to every criticism as left wing wokes, or similar.


With the ERG joining the DUP in opposing the “Windsor Framework” does this mean a split in the tories. The Reform Party is recruiting ex-tory MP’s like Widecombe and will find support on GBNews. Then we have the Johnson committee appearance tomorrow, where his supporters will be claiming bias from a committee with 4/7 tories – and also claiming that he did mislead Parliament but this is not proven (surely the weakest of defences?). Add in the report on the MetPolice and this seems to be another bad week for the government. Braverman’s visit to Rwanda with selected right wing press does not appear to have played out well either. Finally the IPCC has reported on the enormity of the climate crisis we face – with little support from governments.


Is itbinevitable that the police, having to deal with criminals and victims much of the time, are to the right politically? Harsher sentences and bigger fines would appeal to them. However, if this is so, society needds to do more to create a balance. And yes, that may mean mire “WOKE” courses for them.

It is clear that misogeny, racism, homophobia, and disregard for large sections of society have become ingrained in the Met.Police and probably elsewhere. 100 serving, not suspended police officers are being investigated for domestic violence.

Correcting this will take money – Funding has dropped 18% (£700mill) in last 10 years, whilst outsourcing has doubled.

CLIMATE CHANGE – we need action now, not appeasement.

The media will be awash with Johnson and Partygate. In the real world climate change seems to be accelerating. Governments are idle. Macron – raising retirement age to 64 will not stop the sea level rise. Sunak – stop giving the rich more money and tax their planes out of existence. Biden – halt the oil drilling.


1000 fruit trees to be cut down by Cambridgeshire CC for a new road – madness. Road to cost £160 million – just ban cars from the city and use existing roads just for buses and bikes and pedestrians.


NHS doctors offered £5000 to move to private hospitals. Was poor pay deal planned to encourage this further demise in the NHS? Govt. incompetent and corrupt.,