The orange man baby Luddite is pushing for more drilling of fossil fuels. Climate deniers have a good argument in that alternatives are more expensive! Who wants to pay more for fuel and thus everything else? This wehere economics is totally fucked up. We factor in insurance as a cost of transport – so why not factor in the environmental cost. The public needs to have the details – future predicted cost of temperature rising -versus the cost of taking action now. there will always be numbskulls who put personal welfare above societies, this is becoming increasingly common as individuals exist in their own echo chambers. The frog in boiling water analagy is a good one, except these people will be the ones demanding action to help them when disaster occurs. A strong line needs to be taken – cough up or shut te fuck up!

The same is true of our food. The use of pesticides and chemicals on our food is disgusting. The average cost of takeaways per person in the UK is £641p.a. – that is over £11 per week per person. the average spend on food per week is £42. Quick calculation – that is approx 25% of food budget goes on takeaways – and that is without the proportion spent of over processed foods. Society is fucked …….up! 75% of supermarket food sales are processed. With both parents needing an income to pay a mortgage it is no wonder the NHS suffers!

OK I have stopped moaning! What we need is an anti-growth coalition. I am quite open that we need fewer immigrants – not for reasons of colour or religeon, but because we have enough people for te room available. We need better use of our resources. Less chemicals on food, less transport, greater community.

And I just made a gumbo excellent – next up is lemon meringue pie!


What have you done? Oh my, are you going to regret it!

the orange man baby has acted with both speed and spite. The rioters have been pardoned, he has quit the WHO, opened up the USA for further fossil fuel exploitation, renaming The Gulf of Mexico and Mount Denali, declaring a state of emergency on the southern borders, withdrawing from Paris Agreement, declaring that there are only 2 genders. Americans will come to learn what it is to live in a fascist state.

Of further concern was the guest list for his inauguration – the mega rich, the inhumane, the bigots were all out in force. The British contingent were obviously not rich enough, not inhumane enough and not bigotted enough to get an invite and were left fawning outside.

He has already impregnated the Supreme Court with his minions, now he has passed a schedule to allow dismissal of any civil servant at his whim. Promoting the macho image augers ill for women – rape charges have not been disproved against him; anti-abortion laws have been enforced by some states even in cases of paternal rape. The man is a disgrace to the human race. Planet Earth is unlikely to submit without a fight! Unfortunately she does not have the ability to be selective in the disasters she can wreak. But we can be sure that the USA will not be spared from drought, flood, fire, earthquakes, tornado and even tsunami.

God spared him (according to himself) – I am definitly a confirmed atheist!


This one looks like it may be rather windy! And with snow in Scotland and heavy rain in Wales! I suspect that we will have a blowy winter! Every 1C warmer = 7% more moisture in the atmosphere. So with global warming it will be wetter than the past average as a normal? And all those houses built on flood plains? The pumps in Worle and the levels maybe working overtime.


This a grumpy person speaking! People are complaining that flood warnings, flood prevention, etc. were not enough. Firstly, how many of these people are driving their petrol cars and complain if fuel tax is raised? Secondly why do they always rely on others? I saw the weather forecast, looked at the predicted rain radar map and could see that some areas were going to be hit hard. If living close to a river with steep valley sides it is obvious that there is a flood danger – why wait for the Met.Office or Env.Agency? If anything I would complain about the Met. Office issueing too many warnings – “Crying wolf”? People are criticised for stockpiling during emergencies, but maybe it should be encouraged in some areas?

We lie in times of unpredictable weather – Valencia was an extreme example of this, but everyone needs to be aware. Climate sceptics are fed the bullshit so that the rich do not have to pay extra tax to restrict climate damage – they are unaffected by food price rises. Food prices are becoming increasingly unstable as extreme events become less rare.

And then the guy in the large green tractor who sped through te flood water creating a bow wave large enough to smash windows! Did he attend a rally to complain about inheritanvce tax?!

I think my basic gripe is that people expect others to do the work. If anything the role of government should be to encourage land use plans that both mitigate and prevent floods. With a proliferation of new housing needed and planned this is urgent (and will upset farmers more)!


Can the bullshit come to an end please. The inheritance tax adjustment to what the rest of us have (but not as bad) is being used to vent frustrations that the likes of Clarkson and Farage (looking like a ferret!) are quick to inflame. In France farm owners have to prove their capability to farm, not sure how? In this country the vast amount of our land is owned by a tiny number of people, like the Duke of Westminster (who I bet does not pay much as he has an army of lawyers working on tax avoidance). Land equal to the size of Greater London is set aside for shooting Red Grouse! How many people can afford to go shooting?

The small scale farmers (most) should be quite rightly complaint about the prices paid by supermarkets, about chlorinated chicken from the USA (hang on though – the intensive chicken farms in the Wye Valley have numbers counted in 100000’s and pollute the river), So not them then! The consumer must be prepared to pay for environmentally produced meat – and then eat less of it!

So keep the inheritance tax, but also close loop holes that make buying agricultural land that makes it attract pension funds and investors.


Much has been made of the lack of preparedness and warnings in the Valencia Region. But are we any better? Certainly the Met Office and Env. Agencies have plans and warnings but do they call wolf too often? And does anyone take any notice anyway? Parents evenings at school 10 years ago continued despite warnings and the evidence outside! During the Covid Crisis it was apparent that there was no locally based planning or organisation. The local council disappeared completely. New housing developments will/may excabated the situation. Locally I believe that a syatem for closing the road to Puxton should be an obvious duty for the council if weather warnings are issued. Churchill traffic lights are often flooded and new housing nearby may increase the problem. As an A road this situation needs attention urgently. Other problems seem to have been solved after floods about 10 years ago. However there are very local situations that can affect one or two houses – contingency plans need addressing.


Britain had developed a certain qudos for the innovative restaurants that abounded before Covid. However this masked the growth of take aways and more generally UPFoods. Pre-made dinners are common and relatively cheap. Our children are provided with this in schools, pot noodles are cheap easy and quick in the shortened lunchtimes. Jamie Oliver did his best but the media has conspired against him.


How many more children, like Sara Sharif, will need to die before England falls into line with Scotland and Wales, and gives children the same protection as adults. Forget the stupid arguments against a ban ‘It never did me any harm”. (have a look in the mirror – pal!). The a gentle tap does no hardm – How much is too much?, Who gets to decide. But they were being really naughty and could have hurt themselves or others – I suggest you sign up for a parenting course!

There should never be a situation which warrants hitting a child (even 12 year old rioters!). There may, as with any crime, be mitigating circumstances, but only a judge or magistrate should be able to decide on these! A child dies of abuse every week in England

However, based on the number of child homicides recorded by the police each year, we know that, on average, at least one child is killed a week in the UK.( NSPCC).

Yes it would be great to see the anti-woke twats getting flamed up about a ban – but that is just anside bonus to the ending of cruelty to children. Well probably not and end too, but hopefully a beginning to the end of …


Sloppy journalism in the USA. Watching a weather forecast from Florida the presenter (presumably not a meteorologist) stated that the storm surge was caused by the winds blowing the water onshore. This may be a small part of the process but it is the fall in air pressure thatt has most impact. This effect is estimated at a 10 mm (0.39 in) increase in sea level for every millibar (hPa) drop in atmospheric pressure. The average for the Caribbean Sea is just over 1000mb, so Milton coming in at 900mb could see a potential surge of 10m – this is obviously too high and I am out of my scientific knowledge, I guess te surge also depends on how enclosed the area is and also on surrounding air pressure, and the shape of the shoreline and its depth close to the shore? Definitely out of my depth now!


Satellite map tracking storm's direction

Hurricane Milton is turning into one of the most dangerous to hit the USA. Estimates of wind speeds upto 165mph, a storm surge of over 4m and nearly 500mm of rain could bring devastation to the Tampa region. The geographical extent of the hurricane is still being determined but it is thought it may broaden to several hundred miles which means that many will not have evacuated far enough! Petrol stations were also without fuel anyway! The area to the north of the expected path of Milton was affected by Helene anyway so there is probably still problems there. It is somewhat ironic that over 1000 flights have been cancelled (what clmate crisis!). So tonight will see landfall. Some questions I have! Will the Evergaldes be flooded? and if so is it likely that Alligators will become a problem in urban areas?