Let us start with a traditional Conservative voter. If the toxicity of Reform appeals to you – please see a doctor and stay at home with a pint of warm beer and a flag! Otherwise there appears to be 20% of voters (and therefore about half of traditional voters) still seem to be intent on voting for the corrupt and incompetent crew! Whilst they may not relish voting for Labour (which has moved massively to the centre) then the alternative would be the Lib.Dems. For Labour voters on the left – hold your nose and vote to get the present crew OUT! Unfortunately as for the rest, if you vote in Brighton, Bristol Central or maybe Norwich it will probably worth voting for the Greens. Would Starmer be democratic enough, having looked at local elections, to offer a post at the DoE (DEFRA?) to the greens?

Starmer came across as relaxed and a PM in waiting on lbc this morning – despite efforts of Ferrari (who is unlikely to try as hard to unsettle Sunak tomorrow – and is unlikely to need to!). The RWP are desperately trying to tarr Starmer and the Labour Party. Having emptied the coffers (to their cronies) Labour have few opportunities to raise income and thus support public services which is what most sane people want?

On a personal level I have been identified as being at risk from lung cancer which is a little scary. However I am in 2 minds whether to attend as it is sub-contracted out from the NHS for the profit of a private company (and probably staffed by moonlighting NHS staff). I do not want to have to make this decision – I believe in the sanctity of the NHS!

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