It really is different over there! If Biden went now Harris would become President. But the Democrats will nominate the candidate for the Presidency in a convention in Chicago in August. Biden has already got enough nominations to be that candidate. – but it is probable that he will be advised to stand down before then (although he says he will not!). So there are 3 candidates who stand out Gavin (cool to have a Gavin as President?), Gretchen (bit of a fairy story?) or JBPritzker (savory snack?). JBPritzker has the money, Gavin the all-American looks and Gretchen youthful enthusiasm.

However the wider picture is rather bleak! Trump is basically threatening civil disobedience if he does not win and seems to be backed by both wealthy and the well armed insane! My belief is that the Democrats would need to spend a shed load of money to get their candidate into te White House. Biden looks and sounds beaten! Trump arogant and aggressive. In this country it is the media (dominated by the right) that seems to want to make it a 2 horse race. In many constituencies such as mine, where the borders have changed quite radically, there is no incumbent MP standing (also about 100 MP’s have resigned/retired). But otherwise there is a local element – one which was promoted by Brexiteers of taking back control and having a local MP to potentially converse with!

Back to the UK – Mail headlines Tactical voting! I am sure I have read about them slagging off Labour in the last election for this very thing! Otherwise they have also turned their sights on Reform – but nt Farage!. I guess Starmer can just sit and watch? Labours lead in the polls does not seem to have diminished much with the prominence that Reform is getting? So he should sit tight – issue some cutting responses to the most dispicable of Farage and cronies. And hopefully next week we can celebrate before holding the next Government to account!

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