Again time for reality! This was copied from National grid web site at 11.15am today. The interesting one to me is biomass – how is that so high? Nuclear we have to accept as we transition from fossil to renewable. However the National Grid will not record off grid production? So my consumption via solar panels will be ignored? As Schumacher said – ‘small is beautiful’ and with the advent of better batteries, maybe the need for nuclear power is obsolete? With batteries I reckon I could be self sustaining in power for testing and everything! I realise that this is not possible for most people or industries. But it could be possible if we stopped believing in macro economics!

21.4% fossil fuels

Coal 0.230.7
Gas 6.6520.7

37.9% renewables

Solar 7.4723.2
Wind 4.3713.6
Hydroelectric 0.341.1

24.9% other sources

Nuclear 4.8915.2
Biomass 3.139.7


Trump supporters ask a Navaho Congressman if he is legally allowed to be in America! So, OK it is not Trump himself but its still fucking hilarious! He himself has quickly acted to try and get some fundraising on the back of a supposed assassination attempt.

The tory press bleat on about Starmer’s wife dress donation. I think he was wrong to accept the gift, but hardly a crime. However Labour do need to have the highest standards possible and this was a mistake.

The press are also comparing Rwanda scheme with italy’s Albanian one. Big difference is that Italy will process the claims in Albania rather than the Tory Governments scheme to deport people to Rwanda with no appeal. I am not sure I like this scheme any more than the Rwanda one though. A safe way of processing asylum seekers to allow them safe travel to the UK would be optimal. Then those that brave the Channel can be deported back to where ever – this sounds harsh but does accept the current public opinion festered by the RW Press.

I also find the current trend for CParty leadership candidates to be slagging off the economy amusing. They really are very thick – 14 years of C rule has fucked the economy and society, and they are blaming Labour! Who have not even had one budget yet! I have a feeling that I will not be totally supporting this government, but will give them a chance! Balancing the need to get growth – what the fuck have I just started to say!

Growth is the mantra of Starmer – but is not the answer! Getting clever does not mean continued destruction of the countryside and plundering resources. Things need to be made to last; a sette should last a lifetime and more; the same for kitchen appliances. Let industry benefit from quality not quantity! Clothes should be made to last – my Patagonia raincoat is 27 years old and I still love it! Quality clothes I have bought have been worn to destruction after at least a decade! Technology also needs to calm down – a phone today is only marginally better than one 5 years ago and I suspect that there is not much room for meaningful improvement; virtual reality and AI seem to rather pointless in a phone.

I have a wheelie bin which I put out half full every month. TBH if I lived near decent shops I could probably get away with 4 times a year! At least half is plastic trays for fruit or meat! Yes I am not a veggie, although I can go days without! I fill a tray with paper- I love my Guardian and Observer and get the Byline Times in print copy (forgive me my age).

Food waste – I have tried a compost bin but got rats! I do fill the big bin every week, but that is due to making things like jam and pickled onions (7kg so far). What else do I waste – well the car is a luxury but also old – not sure how old, some people know these things but I don’t give a shit! I think about 10 or 11 years old, Of course I would like an electric one, but cannot justify the cost, even though I could charge for free. I think I spend about £300-400 on petrol per year – maybe I will get one? I like the sliding doors on my BMax though (I am not sure why).

Finally – I wish I had not pissed Maz off! She obviously has problems I was not aware of! Failure as husband, father and grandfather! But I try!


So South West Water are introducing, without discussion, surge pricing (otherwise known as exploitation). Water bills in summer will rise by 300% and there will be a MUCH smaller decrease in winter!

So the reasoning – most of all to keep the profits of shareholders and the bonus payments to executives as high as possible. This is not capitalism, just extortion. I have no recourse to oter suppliers – I will still get a bill if I live in a field with no water or sewage disposal!

I think this is a tremendously difficult situation, but also thet Starmer needs to be brave – let the companies falter, share price down as fines mount up. No rises in bills above inflation. They can then justifiably nationalise them to keep the infrastructure going. Foreign investors are already writing down their investment value and the capitalist answer is absolute. Whether the governemnt can find the funds for the necessary investment – well, the latest figures show that government bonds issued for loans are over subscribed at lowish interest rates. So lets do it ! – water bills will pay for what we receive and not foreign investors!

I just had a thought – will the NHS introduce surge pricing in winter months?


So Blowjob Johnson and 5 former foreign secretaries say that the UK should basically declare war on Russia! Was the statement that 5 former foreign secretaries had called for this declaration meant to imply some gravitas? No Conservative Minister stayed in job long enough for them to even remember what they were taking the money for!


So even Farage admits that Brexit is and has been a failure. However I am still puzzled as to what he would have done better? Leaving the ECJ and possibly the UN entirely – but how would that benefit the UK. Maybe he would have stopped all immigration? More boats across the Channel then? Perhaps he has a magic formulae to stop people getting older AND using the NHS! Compulsary smoking maybe? Then trade – the promised trade deals turned out to be farcical – coconuts? Those trade deals that have been done are largely condemned by Framers! And the fishing industry has been decimated! The absentee EMP’s – my answer is Nigel Farage, Nadine Dorriss and Matt Hancock!

So there is negative economic change, negative migrational change (although the word negative is regretted!), and it has also been divisive and harmed society. So are the farage Riots seen as a good thing?

I notice that Springfield, Ohio is facing the prospect of right wing thugs basically rioting on the basis of lies – wow – these fuckwits are stupid maotherfuckers!


Just thinking! If all the time and effort that was made to build the 13000 medieval churches, and the stately homes and castles, had been spent on improving peoples lives, health and education; Life for all would be so much better. Religeous organisations also still get tax relief! Are they still worth it? Just sayin’.


Of course with a title like that – this post is heavy on the USA! I seem to remember that there was a monthly newsletter about the gaffs made by Vice-President Dan Quayle. Trump needs a daily newsletter for the totally ridiculous statements he makes. However a recent report on Education in the USA reveals the source of his support. Top 10 U.S. Literacy Rate StatisticsNationwide, on average, 79% of U.S. adults are literate in 2022. 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022. 54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level. 21% of Americans 18 and older are illiterate in 2022.


Why would anyone want this ……………. to be president?

Trump doubles down on claims about the exonerated Central Park Five

Donald Trump doubled down on his claims that the exonerated Central Park Five – Black teenagers who were arrested in connection with the rape and assault of a white female jogger in 1989 and convicted based on police-coerced confessions.

Back then, Trump called for the execution of the five children. When Kamala Harris brought up Trump’s stance, he dug in: “They pled [sic] guilty … They badly hurt a person, they killed a person, ultimately.”

Suspect Yusef Salaam is led away by a detective after being arrested

The facts: All of them were exonerated after a convicted murderer confessed to the crime in 2002. In 2014, they were awarded a $41m settlement.

In 1989, before any of the boys had faced trial, Trump paid a reported $85,000 to take out advertising space in four of the city’s newspapers, including the New York Times, calling for their execution. The headline read: “Bring Back The Death Penalty. Bring Back Our Police!” and above his signature, Trump wrote: “I want to hate these muggers and murderers. They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes. They must serve as examples so that others will think long and hard before committing a crime or an act of violence.”


So the media are making a big deal about the prison releases today, despite the fact that the police wrote to Sunak demanding that this take place BEFORE the election. Prison is a failed system – apart from stopping reoffending it does little to rehabilitate and the reoffending % is much too high. The reading age of prisoners is often below age 10 and mental problems are endemic. Prison officers are overstretched and often under trained! The system like many other public services is broke.


JDVance says that school shootings are a fact of life (or DEATH)? The American election gets weirder by the second. Vance claims that school deaths from shootings are basically inevitable! Unfortunately he may be correct – American society is so fucked up that it has more weapons in the publics hands than there are people! It is obviously too late to withdraw these weapons – but not too late to make their ownership a matter of pride or necessity! I have been to the states a couple of times, and been out in downtown Chicago – but never felt I needed a gun! Is it a small cock syndrome?

So the Harris – Trump debate is around midnight in the UK on Tues/Weds. The Guardian suggested that Harris would ridicule Trump – an easy option, and he is likely to lose the plot! However she needs to do more than that – Trump is vulnerable on international issues, and his economic pronouncements, let alone his verbage about democracy and even his confusion about abortion. Being an advisor to either side must be horrific at the moment!

Personally I would advise Harris to keep it simple! The more she talks about his age, the more of a total fool he looks. However I have absolutely no comprehension of how the American people are so indoctrinated! True red Republicans I can comprehend. The fanatics who attend his rallies are …. fuck….. . How could anyone support an arrogant rich fucker, also accused of rape, fraud, with a criminal conviction, American society is even more fucked than ours!