Beryl is the earliest Category 5. They are usually mid-season (August-September). This one has trashed parts of Venezuela, Grenada and St.Vincent and the Grenadines. It is now heading close to Jamaica and then the Cayman Islands. My good friend and ex-student is living there and has said he will send photo’s which I will post here.



I will start off with Staus Quo ‘Rocking all over the world”. The The Doors “The end”. John Lennon “Imagine”. Pink Floyd Atom Heart Mother to quiten me down and then maybe St.Tropez for a bit of sunshine! “Look what they did to my song ma” by Melanie Saska, Morcheeba “Rome wasn’t built in a day’ for realism. I might even throw in “The laughing policeman” if I am getting hysterical. I appreciate any recommendations.


They have had an absolute majority and have diddly squat to show for it other than a broken Britain. Their last days of campaigning are damage limitation and more lies. Starmer says he will try to be a good father and husband by taking Friday nights off. I guess too many Tory ministers had to spend 24/7 with their fingers in the dyke (or till!) and were rushing to hush up their latest incompetence. Some stupid tory minister even said he was going to do a 4 day week – their lies are pathetic, get rid of them by voting them out on Thursday.

The papers on Thursday morning could be interesting? What lies will they lead with? I cannot think of any positive headlines; they will be slagging off Labour. I might be tempted to watch GBTV if there is a chance to watch tears and humiliation (Being a nice person stopps with tories and Reform!).


WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! Any majority of more than 10 is basically giving a party a mandate for anything! The tories had a mjority of over 60 and still managed to fuck everything up. Are the tories calling for PR already – maybe in 5 years time?

What was missing from the last 5 years in particular was an abject failure by the 5th estate to hold Johnson/Truss/Sunak to account. With an absolute majority and a compliant press there has been nothing to reign in the oddball measures promoted like ‘the Brexit Plan’ and the Rwanda scheme (all £320million spaffed against the wall!).

We can e certain that the press will be more forensic with Starmer – although maybe they have lost the art of journalism and will resort to the usual aspertions and lies?


Then other stuff! So England have ground their way through – nothing particularly wrong with that! However if yhoping for pizzazz and panache, tink again. Bellingham scored a saver in the last minute to take it into extra time, and there are approximately 5 million fans who will say where Southgate has got it wrong! For those old enough, England did not get off to a great start in 1966! But I guess the demand for greater entertainment is higher now? Spain looked to be what England fans wanted to see – attacking football with excitement provided by a schoolboy on one wing and a 21 year old on the other. 31 shots on goal and 4 scored. OK against a low ranked team – but still done!

Italy out and Germany looking good, France with huge potential. Personally I would not write off the Alpine countries yet. Switzerland are well organised as are Austria. The Euro’s have thrown up surprises in the past!