They have had an absolute majority and have diddly squat to show for it other than a broken Britain. Their last days of campaigning are damage limitation and more lies. Starmer says he will try to be a good father and husband by taking Friday nights off. I guess too many Tory ministers had to spend 24/7 with their fingers in the dyke (or till!) and were rushing to hush up their latest incompetence. Some stupid tory minister even said he was going to do a 4 day week – their lies are pathetic, get rid of them by voting them out on Thursday.

The papers on Thursday morning could be interesting? What lies will they lead with? I cannot think of any positive headlines; they will be slagging off Labour. I might be tempted to watch GBTV if there is a chance to watch tears and humiliation (Being a nice person stopps with tories and Reform!).

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