Please make this the only options! The corruption and stench they leave behind warrant no sympathy. It seems thatbthe Reform party might get 2 seats with Anderson and Farage – but then can they be consigned to the recesses of media coverage? The Greens may get 2 seats as well – will the media offer them equal opportunities for coverage?

A new Labour government will have many expectations thrust upon them, Health, Education, housing, water, defence, justice, prisons, social care. I fact the list is so endless I wonder whether all of Whitehall has been on a 1 day week for years? Everything is just so fucked up!

Many of us would love to rejoin the EU, but we are also aware that it is not practical as a short term objective. One could also argue whether we would wish to belong to an increasingly right wing organisation! Trade deals need to be sorted asap though.

Lets us just enjoy one of the above headlines!

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