It seems obvious that Farage is using the same tactics as were used to get Brexit.

A wide range of unconnected, uncoated, and generably unobtainable statements, but all of which appeal to the underlying insecurity of the population who have been desensitised by austerity. No one paints a brighter future, and the cowards look nostalgically back to a past that has been cleansed of the nasty stuff.

Perhaps a few truths would be good to emphasise. The war gainst Hitler would not have been won without the USSR – D-Day would not have succeeded. Typhoid and cholera were around in this country in the 1950’s. Life expectancy was much lower than today. The benefits from migrants has been immense. The only unequivical thing that was better? The physical environment before chemicals and agribusiness destroyed the wildlife in the countryside. Cars broke. down regularly, foreign holidays were beyond reach for most and British summers with a couple of exceptions were awful!

If there is anything that we could suggest that the prsent would be better without it would possibly be some aspects, but not all, of the globalisation aspect of capitalism. It would be wrong to condemb capitalism ‘per se’, but its unrestrained spread has created a more unequal and dangerous world. Nividea is worth more than the GDP of the UK! How is that even conscionable? It does not take a genius to realise that unequal wealth distribution (beyond certain limits) creates an environment where violence becomes an option for the underclass.

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