Democracy is taking a beating at this election. Conservative leader Holden refuses to answer legitamate questions. Farage is rude to reporters who ask questions he does not like. Daily Mail publishes inti-semetic nonsense from Johnson. I do not see the press being objective in questioning all parties and holding them to account for their answers.

The tory £2000 tax claim – discredited is being repeated ad nausium, whilst t5he fact that tax has gone up by £13000 under the tories since 2019 has passed without comment.

Let us have honesty – tax will have to rise to provide quality public services. It is just a matter of where that falls. Tory HQ is also putting out bollocks about blackouts and public disorder with a move to zero pollution. What the fuck do they think will happen if we do nothing? Sea level rising and extreme weather will be blamed on? Green investment will provide cheaper bills in the long term. Locally Thatchers Cider (a bastion of conservatism) has invested in solar panels presumably to cut energy bills. Why should the poor not benefit? Who wants polluted rivers and seas (apart from foreign investors who care only for the profits.

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