There is an underlying theme to the election. FEAR. Not just that overtly brandished with such enthusiasm by Farage, but by the major parties.

The fear of being honest, telling the truth and extolling experts where they exist. On almost every major issue Sunak is peddling lies, and Starmer is avoiding the truth. So examples:-

  • Migration. Anyone with half a brain will realise just how important migrants are to our society. Yes there are arguments to be had about numbers, where from, integration into society. But these arguments are not being heard as society panders to the vociferous bigotson the right mainly, but left too!
  • Law and order. The system is broken. Criminals are not even apprehended, prisons are overfull, police dealing with mental health issues, rape cases not heard or pursued properly. So where is the discussion regarding the deterioration of our civic society? Poverty plays a major part but here the parties are united on being strong on law and order, rather than being strong on the case for creating a society which cares for all. The discussion of causes and consequences of crime are avoided for fear of appearing to be “soft on crime”.
  • Climate change – Labour have been forced to regress on this issue by the financial incompetence of the present government (leaving no money, a woeful electricity distribution system and failed policies). Where is the discussion? Climate sceptic nobs like Rees-Dogg are allowed a free reign. ALL the evidence points to the economic sense of acting asap on this issue, the cost of climatic disruption is immense and can be measured not only in financial cost but lives. Subsidise existing housing to get the panels, upgrade housing to make heat pumps efficient, impose rules on new houses and landlords – cost to government minimal!
  • Nationalisation of public utilities – again discussion missing due to obsession of RWM with this topic. The railways issue is half accepted (but leasing trains, etc. isn’t), water companies continue to flout environmental laws with impunity (I recognise that foreign investment make be an issue here). Companies that arrogantly disregard environmental legislation and still pay huge bonus and dividends need to obey the laws of society. So fine them until they go bust – then nationalise them? But of course there is the discussion that is strangely absent here!
  • NHS – has alredy been largely nationalised. Labour faces a huge backlog of cases and a broken system. The argument missing here is whether the backlog should be cleared first or whether the system needs to be sorted first. Of course it is not a binary decision but I have qualms about the government paying private providers to cut the waiting lists when the same people work in the NHS! Paying staff a fair wage is imperitive to sorting the system – and then sorting out the management situation.
  • Council Tax – Another poisoned chalice a new government has been bequeathed! Council tax bands were created in 1992, the year of Nirvana, Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson! House prices have changed immensely since then, as have musical tastes. With councils going bust, sometimes due to poor investments made to avoid the stringent and cruel cuts made by central government. Firstly it would seem obvious that Local councils should not be investing money? Surely they should raise money to pay for the services they need to provide? Av complete revamp of the situation is needed following a cognitve discussion. Should there be a wealth tax in its place? Maybe a revamp of the structure too? Too many people paid 6 figure salaries (especially when they outsource contracts!).
  • Education – Do not impose VAT on public schools – just abolish them all together! Yes we know that smaller class sizes get the priveldged few better exam grades (often to the detriment of their ability to empathise!). The exam grades are not worth the cost to society. So tax the rich and send worthy students to the institutions of privilege! Another discussion that has been avoided! Only the whining of “I work hard to send my child to wherever” which immediately degrades the value of every other parent who works their socks off to provide for their children. When did education/teacher become a job rather than a vocation? I suspect it was when the rightwing took control of the media to publicise personal ego above society values? I know I cannot put a time scale on this! But again there needs to be a BIG discussion on what education is for/doing? The system has hardly changed for a few hundred years – kids sit behind desks and are told to learn stuff! But kids learn outside and doing stuff! Discussion needed. Degrees – now that it costs loads to go to university there is now a discussion about what degrees are relevant? Firstly I would say from a personal point of view that any business related degree is fucking shit! Again the morons have taken over – to some extent it has become a rite of passage for middle class kids (my own included here). Leaving home and still being educated seems like a good idea! Apprentiships are also good, and have their place, but I suspect rather limited. They are hardly going to adapt to the new horizons and jobs that will become available in the unforeseen future.
  • I guess I am at the end of my comfort zone! Armed forces need a comment – but I am so totally unqualified to comment – although that does not usually stop me!
  • Housing – related top migration – would it be wrong to think that most migrants are happy/content with flats? So brown field starts and forcing building companies to use land they have put away as an investment?

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