A neighbour decided to leave most of their lawn uncut and was happy with the grasses rippling in the wind, and the yellow vetch. They are now extremely happy to have orchids, and yes I am a tiny bit jealous!


Perhaps my favourite herb – certainly for scent although I am partial to basil too. lemon verbena goes well with fish. The tea below is Mexican and served hot or cold.

Te de cedron. Instructions

  • Place the 3 lemon verbena leaves in the 4 cups of water. 
  • Boil for 15 minutes.
  • Serve hot or iced with a teaspoon of honey in each glass for sweetness


Planted Erigeron karvinskianus ‘Sea of Blossom’ many thanks Holly and Martin for the plant which should spread. Evening Primrose in blossom (also one plant in the road gutter where it joins barley and fennel!) with sage, thyme and rosemary blossoming and also cornflowers, fetch, dandelions, night scented stock and morning glory. Fennel doing well. basil on window sill has something attacking it – the same as the chillies in the conservatory. Red basil and lemon basil and coriander and greek basil all coming on.

I will get new soil and repot mother-in-laws tongue as both are about a metre high. I think others may need repotting. Tomatoes are forming – maybe a week or 10 days. A few raspberries


Well more seeds in 60 pots of red basil, lemon basil and Korean mint – coriander seems to be growing well, and greek basil (I like basil) is catching up – in total about 90npots with seeds, a nice warm spell would be good. Tomatoes are all looking good in the greenhouse and tiny in front of house. Night scented stock in flower. Roses are abundant maybe I will get another couple of bushes? I have put camomile in bigger pot together with ginger mint. And I have planted some fat baby seeds. Raspberries are spreading across the ‘former’ lawn!

I will transplant some different mints for the shop – I wonder if I could do a bit of the Corsican Mint, lemon balm, chocolate mint, Bowles mint, spearmint, and the rest? Maybe 3 at a time?


Weather has been good for growing – regular light showers and warm although it could have been a bit warmer. Tomato plants have first flowers, as do the lemon trees. just made lemon pound cake – nice. New plants soon!


Juiciest oranges and organic too. Direct from the farmer via I have had avocado, lemons, juice, onions, clementines – all top quality and helping the farmer


12 thymes -orange spice; barona;snowdrift;magic carpet; wine and roses; rainbow falls; archers gold; lime; woolly; lemon; English Winter; Creeping Purpl. Plus Chamomile; hot and spicy oregano; mojito mint; ginger mint; pineapple mint, golden lemon verbena.


Just planted out wallflowers, French marigolds, dill, Californian poppies, calibrachoa, morning glory, and some plants that I am unsure of! Tomato plants in greenhouse doing well, sweet basil now in kitchen – I might put some out if we have a hot spell. Mints are growing after the winter with lemon balm being the most outstanding at the moment. Concerned about verbena (lemon, and golden lemon) but patience needed in gardening.

Also a sense of humour – after planting out I needed to water them – so a quick squirt with the hosepipe and top up the watering can – hosepipe fell out of said watering can and whilst the pipe eluded me the – the jet did not – effing soaked – I had to change!

Time to plant some veg in the greenhouse?

Both neighbours have shaved their lawns and not a dandelion in sight. I hope the pesticides do not contaminate my garden. Ladybirds were on borage.


Migrating birds reported to be 3 weeks late in arriving. It is still chilly and some frost around in early morning. But NO MOW MAY is here. It rained today which was unusual, and looks like being mainly dry for the rest of the month although occasional showers – brilliant typical British weather forecast! Warmer than average seems to be colder than the average I remember!