Or at least keep the mower, pesticide, herbicides and fertilisers off the grass. A lawn is a pretentious middle class monoculture of generally no practical function.

Longer grass with wildflowers, herbs and small shrubs provide food and cover for invertebrates and insects of all kinds. A study published yesterday showed a reduction in wildlife around the globe of 68% since 1970. (WWF et al).

My front lawn has been called wild and scruffy – thank you for the complement. My road has over 2ha. of front lawns – what a great nature reserve that could become?

THE ANARCHY – a rant!!

I thought the purpose of government was to make decisions for the benefit of the population? This government seems unable to decide on anything other than lining their own pockets or those of their cronies!

Covid -19. You cannot meet up with more than 5 members of your family, but please go to work and the pub. Your children must go to school but stay away from grandparents. You should go back to work if you can use city centre cafes and restaurants, but otherwise stay working from home.


An area twice the size of Somerset has burned in California this year, and the peak of the fire season is yet to come. Temperatures in LA have nudged 50C whilst Death Valley may have recorded the hottest ever temperature on earth. Air quality is amongst the worst in the world. Climate change is happening.

Needed: Better building codes.
Needed: Better building codes. Photographer: Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images


Let me call this rubbish out for what it is. A weak attempt to justify the accumulation of vast wealth by a small number of individuals. So the likes of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have pledged to donate 50% of their wealth to charity on death. My comment is mean bastards!


So easy – why did no one tell me about this recipe before I reached retirement age – or tell me how important it was to heat the oven as per the recipe!!

So oven at 180C


So the numbers of positive tests goes up by 50% in a day. Does this matter? Hospital admissions are steady. Will this give the “herd immunity” that we have heard lots about? Or is a start of a new wave?


A lot of people say Extinction Rebellion are going about things in the wrong way? F*** O**. What they really mean is write to your MP, or sign a petition and watch nothing happen!