45 years ago I started teaching geography and climate change was a key component of my geography lessons. I must have been a crap teacher as the situation has got steadily worse. The biosphere is struggling to maintain diversity and food chains. Ice caps and glaciers are melting, the acidity of the oceans is changing, weather events are becoming more extreme and frequent. I still believe it is every individuals responsibility to do what they can to ameliorate these issues, but it needs government and diplomacy to force the mega rich corporations and individuals to take immediate action.


Juiciest oranges and organic too. Direct from the farmer via I have had avocado, lemons, juice, onions, clementines – all top quality and helping the farmer


Elderflowers picked and soaking with lemon and orange zest. When done it will be strawberry and elderflower jam. Olive and herb bread made today. Shelves sorted – well tidied a bit!


There should be a 10/15 minute broadcast the latest progress or not regarding climate change. This should include electricity generation on a weekly basis to show renewable/fossil generation. It should also have regular updates of electric car sales, houses insulated, CO2 levels.

All this could be supplemented with relevant innovations and analysis of government policies, both home and abroad (new coal mines, power stations etc.).

It should not be scaremongering, but should attempt to keep the issue at the forefront of everyones minds. Excerpts should be put on social media and politicians asked for comments on specific issues.

There is plenty of material available to make it an interesting programme with a valuable contribution.

Canada, Russia, Brazil and the USA and the Middle Eastern producers are all offering subsidies to fossil fuel companies to expand production. At present fossil fuels accounts for 60% of greenhouse gases – so basically governments are subsidising fossil fuel extraction using your taxes. Britain is not squeaky white on this with one of the 22 mega projects (although one of the smallest of the biggest.


Migrating birds reported to be 3 weeks late in arriving. It is still chilly and some frost around in early morning. But NO MOW MAY is here. It rained today which was unusual, and looks like being mainly dry for the rest of the month although occasional showers – brilliant typical British weather forecast! Warmer than average seems to be colder than the average I remember!


I think all 23 mint varieties have survived the winter and I am going to start drying them and the thyme and sage varieties, and lemon verbena, lemon balm.

Also planing for pickles, relishes, chutneys, ketchups and sauces using tomatoes and the herbs in the garden.


If you were the richest person on Earth. with access to $270 billion – what would you do? Surely every normal human being would want to do something to combat hunger, poverty and pain. Or improve the environment and the lives of all.

My analysis seems to suggest that all billionaires are horrible, selfish, (I am desperately trying to avoid the worst swear words I can think of).

I will concede that Tesla cars maybe good for the environment – and his development of batteries, etc. – but if he believes that buying Twitter is “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,”  – this needs to be debated!

Using google to place $270 billion it puts his personal wealth between. Chile and Finland, and bigger than Portugal, Greece, New Zealand, Kenya and …. this is ridiculous.