Amongst just about everything this government does – I do not get it! Apparently the determined migrants who get in the small boats to cross the Channel are paying large sums to the people smugglers. Surely we should welcome people with the ability to raise these sums of money amd have the determination to get to this country. They certainly are not risking their lives for the meagre handouts that the welfare state provides. Many are highly educated and would be a welcome addition to our ageing work force.

So there must be another problem. Firstly we know that the Tories love to identify groups of people that are weak and powerless to divert attention from the rapacious jaws of their brand of capitalism. Secondly these people are often fleeing persecution in their home countries, often because they will not buckle and conform to cruel and corrupt governments – of course our government does not welcome those who are not willing to brown nose their way.

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