When I first moved into Banwell in 1986 I was unprepared for the wealth of history relating to the church, Bishop of Bath and Wells (Abby and Tower on the hill), the largest discovery of prehistoric bones in a cave under the hill, Roman remains including a mosaic, old mine workings, a mystery gravestone. I also heard rumours that St.Patrick may have been born there, I did not believe this to be true, just a legend that had been embellished over a few ales – but maybe it is all true.


TW claim that the weather hasincreased the leaks in its system, at present thought to be 650m litres a day! Note to TW – in summer the UK regularly gets periods of drought. Perhaps less spent on dividends and more doing your job properly would help? Plans to pump 100m litres of treated sewage should be refused as we know that important environmentally altering chemicals and medicines are not removed. Further plans to transfer 155million ltres a day from Wales should also be refused. Measures to reduce consumption with mandatory planning rules should be imposed by the government, water butts subsidised. Our weather seems to becoming warmer and more settled – this year we had a prolonged period of daily rain followed by a dry period with easterly winds then another dry spell.

My water butts have received some water but are not full.


Some innovative new plans from Labour regarding renewable energy. Given the financial black hole waiting for the next government it needs new ideas. OK so they arecopied from Germany and Denmark – but community owned renewable energy schemes look like a positive response to the problem. Could a similar scheme be introduced for water supply? 52% public ownership with water rates for households. And Sunak continues to talk about things whilst the migrants pour in, inflation and interest rates rocket,

Meanwhile the Mirror leads with lockdown party at Tory HQ, the Torygraph has a foeld day targeting Sue Gray, Whitehall civil servants and Macron all on the front page (no wonder they are the only spreadsheet!), the Mail continues with blue on blue attack on Sir Bernard Jenkins, and the Observer feeds the Sunak supporters with space.

Gove says report was excellent but he will abstain on Monday.

If you go down in the sea today, you’re sure of a big surprise

If you go down in the sea today, you’d better go in disguise
For every turd that ever there was 
Will gather there for certain because 
Today’s the day water companies issue their profits

Every child who’s ever been good is sure of a treat today
There’s lots of floating things to eat and wonderful diseases to catch
Beneath the waves where nobody sees 
They’ll hide and seek as long as they please
That’s the way the water companies have their picnic

Picnic time for holiday makers
The little children are having a lovely time today
Watch them, catch them unawares 
And see them share the sea on their holiday

See them gaily gad about
They love to play and shout
They never have any cares
At six o’clock their mummies and daddies 
Will take them back home to bed
and treat the vomit and shits that come about

If you go down in the sea today, you’d better not go alone
It’s lovely down in the sea today, but safer to stay at home
For every turd that ever there was 
Will gather there for certain because 
Today’s the day the rich cats have their picnic


The dry spell continues, my 350ltrs of water butts have nearly run dry. But some floods around with convectional storms. Do planning authorities and the water boards actually have any AI – no not artificial intelligence – but AI – actual intelligence. Covering green sites with concrete reduces infiltration, increases convection and temperatures, speeds up runoff. We need urban planting, replacing impermeable surfaces like parking spaces with permeable grids, more street trees and roof gardens. It is common sense


Interesting to see a new look at our perilous economic position. It totally debunks liberal capitalism and the need for growth. To occur will require a massive disruption of the economic and thus political systems. More seriously what can we do to bring about change when the economic and political systems are dominated and protected by wealthy corporations and their supporters. Both the social and environmental boundaries are theoretically achievable but look unobtainable despite all the warniings by thousands of climate scientists and environmental models. The last being the disruption in ocean temperatures. In the western world with the media controlled amnd manipulated by the rich and wealthy leaving protesters the only option of physical disruption by groups of protesters like Just Stop OIL and Extinction Rebellion.

A court of law that was equitable and fair would look at the protest, the climate change, the stupidity of governments and award the protesters damages not lock them up! “You prevented my wife from getting to the shops, and that deserves a prison sentence “-I have heard people say they would throw away the key! But there will need to be a bigger disruption than they can muster to disrupt the system. I doubt that it can be done peacefully, we have seen how desperate the rich and powerful like Johnson, Trump, JR-M will use anything to retain their position.

Even the war in Ukraine has had little effect. Countries like the UK with massive potential for clean power generation are using the war as an excuse to open more oil well in the seas around us. Electric cars do not come without environmental and social cost (Cobalt mines in the Congo), perhaps we all need to have better more affordable public transport Cost of running a car is £5-6000 per year – transfer most of that to public transport and we could have virtually free buses and trains.

Basically we need to live within the constraints of the doughnut – something I am not sure Conservatives (free market) or Labour (basically the same with modifications) would agree with?


Canada has the worst wild fires at the moment 1400% up on last year. New York is making 1million masks available for use, free in public buildings due to the air pollution. Time to change from growth to sustainability in economic policies. This summer may bring a new reality to food production and sustainability. The knuckle draggers may not like “Just stop oil” but will be proved to be as neathderthal as they look and behave.


The population of Manchester City Centre will have risen from 11000 to over 100000 since 2010 by 2024. Massive profits are being made with little affordable rents or houses available. However it is a sign that the demand is there for flats near the city centre. A number of stores are pondering this trend with Waitrose looking to create flats above its stores. This makes total sense, proximity to work, shops and leisure, combine this with rental of electric vehicles for holidays in the UK and ensuring access to green spaces and we can provide some sustainable solutions to the housing shortage without plundering the countryside. Add in roof gardens and converting multistory car parks to urban farms with use of hydroponics and it may even reduce the “urban heat island” effect.

We have seen various councils cut down trees most notably Sheffield and Plymouth. City planners should be embracing climate change to provide better environments for people and wildlife, not denying it. China has reported record temperatures last month and warnings are out for world wide record temperatures in the next 5 years as being almost certain. And yet we allow more oil to be extracted, more trees to be cut down, last year in Brazil alone.


It may be a bit late but I am planting the seeds I have been given from Hauser and Wirth; Carthusian Pink; Pale-purple Coneflower; Hungarian Echinops; Button Snakeroot; Sweet Coneflower; Mexican feather grass; Chinese meadow rue and some Zinnia.

Hanging baskets begining to look good, Californian poppies from last year have appeared, lemon verbena not showing signs of life though. Mulberry trees looking healthy – perhaps this year there will be some fruit. Apricot tree has taken ok. I watered the vine which I keep forgetting about. Elderflowers are nearly ready for picking for cordial or wine! I am not sure how many apples I will get after my big prune last winter? Roses are looking good – loads of yellow ones, Shropshire lad pinks and the old reds and the climbing white by trhe gate all looking good. A couple of the bush ones are slowly growing – I need a trellis for the summer jasmine. Fuschia might be a bit dead? Raspberries are taking over.

It sounds like I have a huge garden but really it is not – just a 1950’s estate with lawns at front and back (except my lawns are no more! Britains lawns = the size of Somerset I read! I wonder how much electricity or fuel it costs to cut them once a fortnight? A lawn that is used is great, and woodpeckers love them too! But when they are just for – actually I do not know what! they do not look particulary nice – the ones opposite with a profusion of buttercups are much prettier, and the dandelion clocks are lovely.


Lovely to have children and grandchildren together at the ROTH in Bruton. A lovely setting with nice garden, superb shop and lovely restaurant, although to be honest I was not that impressed with the food. The company however was excellent. Erin and Adam are developing into witty nice adults, I mean nice in rthe nicest way – they interact fantastically with Corinne and Ottilie. These two are just a bundle of fun with smiles never far from their faces. So well behaved despite a long wait for lunch and also in the car on the hour long journey. Felix step son of sorts was also cahtty although I knew nothing about his immense knowledge of gaming and computers and cartoons/films.

The parents, my offspring were lovely as were their partners. It was lovely to see them all interacting so well together. No bitching or point scoring – just genuine friendship. Where to go next year? Or later this summer?