I got give 3 out of date lemons so :225g each s-r flour, caster sugar, butter and 4 eggs. 50 min at 180C. Let cool – drizzle = 85g caster + lemon juice. Then strawberry jam and dust with icing sugar.


A similar dry summer with hosepipe bans. In 2022 the announcement of a hosepipe ban was announced with a plea ‘to dob on a neighbour’. In 1976 this came much later. In 1976 we had a government (not in 2022). Will this government make golf courses and stately piles exempt? Will it impose laws that wastage must be cut by 15% per annum with no dividends until this takes place, and no price hikes.

Of greater importance is the need to ensure a long term protection for our chalk streams and wildlife. If these waterways are in private ownership, then the owner must create access in a equable way.

Water companies must comply to environmental standards or be nationalised without compensation. They should also have to pay an environmental fee for the privilege of becoming guardians of our environment. Everyone should also be provided with a set quantity of water free. I do not know how to work this out – but 5 toilet flushes per person, 3 minute shower, 5 litre for cooking and 10 litre for washing up. Then charge.

Perhaps the same should occur for households. The first x therms free, then progressively tax (allowances made for disability recipients).


Seem to remember in the past that an announcement would be made that the PM was going on holiday and that the DepPM or other would be in charge. Not this shit show if incompetence. They have all either fu(ked off or are queuing up on morning TV to state how brilliant it will all be when MaryT or RishiS take over and correct the appalling mess that we are in. No mention of 12 years of Tory misrule – just arse licking for a government pension.

So inflation nearing 10%, a water crisis, a climate crisis, an energy crisis, a NHS crisis, a cost of living crisis, a crisis of democracy, a crisis created by BREXIT, and they all fu)k off to the beach, along with the shadow cabinet.


Have just retreated indoors to sit by the fan which states a temp of 29C. I have filled some bowls with water for the birds and insects. We have a few more days of this I think. The south east looks totally parched. Tomatoes are ripening quickly at the moment.


The government has got so blasé about ripping off the public they hardly try to hide it. The Energy Regular seems to have only one objective – maximise the profits of the energy companies (Whilst OFWAT does the same for water), The Chancellor will no doubt tell us how much money he is giving us to help pay the bills, all he is doing is allocating our tax revenue for us to give to the energy companies. Crude oils fallen on the wholesale market but not at the pumps.

If they gave a shit about poverty there would be an emergency package of insulation for all. homes (funded by a second mortgage repayable when the house is sold) – so basically would cost nothing for the government or renters. Homeowners would benefit from increased property values. The same method could be applied to solar panels which should have a FIT to recognise the investment being made by the individual.

None of this will add to the profits of the energy companies and hence will not be done by our rip off government, which will retire to the HoC bars and taxpayer subsidised drinks.

OFWAT allows companies to pump shit into OUR waterways with impunity. Billions of water are leaked and profits surge (often to foreign governments?).

And all the time objections and the means thereof are being curtailed. Judges will have their roll diminished, demonstrations will be made illegal, strikes will become illegal.

Wages are rising at a rate way below inflation, but the Nasty Party and its complicit press and media monkeys like Farage and the scarecrow continue to pedal the like that it is the workers who are funding inflation. No PMQT for BJBJ to trumpet how we are leading the world with energy rises and inflation. Only Russia is doing worse in the G7.

So we are being ripped off, isolated from the EU, Truss has said we need to save BREXIT (presumably from being a massive pile of shit).

Every £1billion the govt spends is about £10 per head of our tax money.


Mary Truss seems to be fermenting the break up of the Union. I totally understand how pissed off Scotland is, and surprised Wales is not more radical. BUT – just like I was remain, I will not alter that fundamental position just yet. It does not take the intelligence of a chewed up wine gum to realise that the 4 nations are not treated equably. Devolution should go much further, and where the 4 nations meet there should be equality. Maybe other areas of the UK would go dow a similar route? London? Yorkshire? Cornwall?

Greater devolution should mean a smaller civil service in Westminster? What do police Commissioners do? Why is the Dept of Education so huge? Devolve the running of schools to local areas and use OFSTED to regulate if there seems to be a problem (results, discipline, finance). Similar discussion needs to be done for the NHS. Tories have spent £100 billion on privatising the NHS; the dental service has collapsed..


Every time the government boasts about how much it is spending we should all remember that it is our tax money they refer to. £37bn on Test&Trace, £100+ billion on HS2, etc. I think there is a Public Accounts Committee? It should publish detailed accounts of all government expenditure.


The Treasury has presumably made millions out of ‘special’ 50p’s? basically bought then taken out of circulation. Could they not do the same with special edition bank notes – maybe designed by Banksy? The rich will stare them away thus creating the need for the treasury to produce more. It would be like a tax imposed on people by themselves. Also give each one a shorter code to reflect smaller number issued – and more letters so people can but personalised ones. It should keep the greedy rich busy for years.


Temperatures growing, but more concerning is the drought. I think my water butts will be ok until next week, we should not need a hose pipe ban here so I might resort to a hosepipe next week – my house plants take 7ltr a day, and the greenhouse another 10ltr/day and hanging baskets and front garden 5ltr/day.


It is time the public took back control. Firstly, and country to Raab we need to ensure the independence of the judiciary from the legislature.

Second – we need to renationalise public utilities where there is no real competition (water, electricity, gas, railways).

Third – Perhaps most importantly is land. The ownership of our country should not be left to the privileged few. Most large estates stole a large amount of their land from the poor – often demolishing their houses. Estates should be opened up to rights of way. there is no moral justification for the shooting moors. Importing 50 million pheasants for rich twats to shoot is immoral. Rivers too. Access to these aquatic rights of way should be enshrined in law. Before the ‘gammoms’ explode in fury – of course there will need to be compromises. All landowners should have a responsibility to maintain and enhance the land for wildlife of all types.

Fourth – the swearing of allegiance needs to be to protect and enhance the lives of the people and environment of the UK. This would back Sunak’s call for prosecution of those who undermine the values of this country (not quite what he said!). Most of the present cabinet would be in court at present with this. All Ministers must have a legal duty to uphold the rights and dignity of all the people.

Fifth – Royalty. They know they are under threat. So let’s sort out their role. They can keep Windsor Castle as a home; Buckingham Palace should be a ceremonial type hotel for visiting dignitaries. Sandringham and Balmoral Estates should be nationalised but I accept that they could have priority access to the houses at certain times. Crown estates should be totally nationalised together with the Duchy of Cornwall and similar anomalies.

Sixth – HoL needs reform so that it is representative of the population and co-opts people of knowledge and wisdom on particular topics. e.g. debates on Nuclear Power should enable the nuclear industry and Greenpeace to be represented in discussions. Maybe it should become more of a series of committees with full HoL once a month or less.

Seven – Parliament needs a 21st century home. The present HoP are an archaic death trap in many ways (trapping democracy for sure). I accept that for many reasons it makes sense to retain Parliament in London, although the Netherlands has split the executive from the financial with success. Somewhere like Earl’s Court could be rebuilt? Do away with archaic voting chambers and introduce technology (with porn blocks for tory MP’s!). The HoL does not need to be on the same site or even in London. Castle Howard might be a great option?

Eight – Proportional Representation. Absolutely essential to work something out!

Nine – Safeguards against fascism and communism and other radical groups need to be enshrined in our new parliament. Any MP who is accused of lying should have to justify their comments (I know, I know – but there was no party is relatively easy to prove; I did not know I was at a party- less so!).

Ten – NHS – contracts made so far with private companies should be reviewed – with no compensation necessary if basic patient welfare was not the priority.

Eleven – Education. All Public Schools should be forced to admit students on scholarships to the value of the tax saving by their charitable status – all facilities should be open to state schools.

Twelve – Police. Immediate funding to support numbers. Do away with police Commissioners which were inspired by Batman. There needs to be a separation of the law enforcement agencies and the executive. Obviously the Met has gone rogue in places. Govt. support for cultural wars, anti-woke and basic racism has encouraged another underclass of Met Officers – there have been more than a few.

Thirteen – is a contract for MP’s feasible. They sign up to do their best for the public – AND renounce all investments and other jobs. They get a pension if not re-elected so are not financially punished by the standards of the public. if they do not like it they can FO. I would also cut their expenses to sensible ones.