Firstly the Everard case – did the police cover up for a colleague when he was accused of flashing? If so that was wrong; did they then beat the crap out of him, if so that too was wrong – however much we might sympathise with those who did, and the family who probably would have liked more! So this will all pan out in the usual way, hopefully following proper procedures.

Of greater importance is what happens next? We know that prosecutions for rape are a minuscule percentage. So now we have 2 major rifts in how our society treats different people differently. First it was Black Lives Matter, and now a movement that has not acquired a name yet but relates to ‘Women should be safe at all times’.

Maybe we should be addressing the few of the white, male, young adults who do not feel valued by a society which is dispensing with full time employment contracts with prospects (of at least security). They booed Millwall footballers ‘taking the knee’ – will they react in a similar negative fashion to real equality for women? And every other minority group in society.

Domestic violence should be expunged from the vocabulary. Violence is violence and must not be tolerated in civilised society. There is no graduation in violence – it is just wrong. Only1.4% of reported rapes end in a conviction. Prince Andrew is allowed to escape the law for possibly abusing young girls, yet Meghan is publicly called a liar on main stream media outlets. 10 years for defacing a statue – society has gone mad.

And yet another wrong decision by the government (assuming the police are instructed by them), to ban vigils. Whilst maintaining Covid restrictions should be paramount, a sensible government would have offered a large open space in Central London in about a months time. This would enable organisers to arrange stewarding, lockdown rules will hopefully be more relaxed and worldwide publicity arranged. A fitting memorial could also be arranged – I suggest a garden of remembrance in the garden of Buckingham Palace.

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