Trump has until the 20 January 2021 to pack his bags – so I guess no rush! However unless he wants to go down in history as one of the worst losers since 18012 when Adams did a pretty good sulk. So Donald, put your big boys pants on, delete yourself from twitter and be gracious in defeat. Save the money you are thinking on spending on spurious legal cases for when you need them to pay your back taxes.

Hopefully the idiots parading with weapons in support of Trump will return under the stones where they were festering. Biden is sounding like a president and this maybe a problem for Trump supporters. No more demonisation of different groups.


Just go! Hopefully now we can have USA joining the Paris agreement and even setting the pace for change. And with his deputy being female and black, with a Jewish husband, he is well placed for bringing some unity to the country.

Words not that relevant, but I am sure someone clever could adapt! trumpety trump


Well it started off being damp and cold, then the first frost of the winter on the 4th. Cold mornings next couple of days with some fog. Warmer today 7/11 but have had sunny afternoons for a while.

I am not commenting on the iceberg yet – let us see what actually happens.


Denmark to cull 17 million mink. Why are they breeding them ing the first place – I thought animal skin coats, etc. were banned in the EU? It is time to re-evaluate our relationship with animals. I am not suggesting vegan, but certainly a more respectful relationship. Eat less meat and dairy (ouch that hurts!), but totally essential. Schools should be teaching cooking to all students, with emphasis on techniques.