Any parent of school aged students or related to a teacher/support staff, will state that the system is in a shambles. Children in different year groups being sent hope without warning, school trips cancelled, exam uncertainty, universities making up covid rules independently, head teachers getting conflicting advice or no advice at all.


Brash unwarranted confidence, overlaid with arrogance and a hefty dollop of selfishness, variable amounts of ignorance, a lack of empathy, . We see it in coco, and the huge numbers of people socialising with no regard for others – not just in night clubs, etc. – but also with no regard for their families welfare.


The smallest plug plants ever! 6 of each of the following: Achillea Cerise Queen; Echinacea Nectar pink; Delphinium dark blue and white; salvia Salvatore blue; Verbena Buenos Aires. I have potted them up but will be chuffed if 50% survive. They are on the table as the greenhouse is probably too hot, and the pots will dry out. This way I can nurture them.

2 more cucumbers and my first big tomato – was half eaten by a slug – grrr! Deterents applied. But another handful of smaller ones and another bush providing.


No not the brilliant shopping district of York.

The governments handling of the NHS supposed pay rise (less than inflation so ??? Junior doctors have been excluded …, why?


I am not sure mainstream media have cottoned onto this affront to democracy. An Israeli spyware firm supplied surveillance software which could target phones. This software was provided to a number of countries and has been used against political opponents, journalists, internationally important politicians, and people in the UK. Up to 50.000 people have been targeted according to leaked data given to trusted media organisations worldwide.


OK I voted against and still think it a disaster. However of more importance is trust. Surely even liars know that when they sign a contract it is not negotiable when and if you change your mind?


Although there was a nice breeze whilst watering the garden at 5 am. At least it is not as hot as Western North America, or as wet as central Western Europe has been or South Island, New Zealand. 320.000 residents of Yakutsk have been warned to stay indoors to avoid the thick toxic smoke from forest fires in this Siberian region. Zhengzhou is trying to recover from a record flood which inundated the subway system drowning at least 12. The rainfall broke hourly and daily 70 year data. Hurricane season in North Atlantic predicted to be less than last year (The weather channel), conflicting with earlier predictions).

Lots of cumulus humbles this afternoon. Met office predicts no rain until Saturday though.

Time for the nasty party to start a campaign against the loss of freedom which will be perceived with higher taxes on fossil fuels. Arguments about the economy and fear mongering will develop.


5 am watering of greenhouse (with added hose the last few days), and then the patio and the front garden. All my mints, sages and thymes seem to be doing well. Chickory has spread a little andI love the blue flowers. Pineapple sage has had a lovely red flower and I loved the flax earlier in the summer. Lots of small white butterflies and one painted lady – hopefully the hot spell will lead to a proliferation of them. I have left some nettles and buddlea for them.

Tomatoes are coming on, and another couple of cucumbers – I reckon if I get 10 that is cheaper than buying them (although obviously they have not been sprayed, etc. – and so pleased see them!). Thinking about late planting of parsley, lettuce, whatever, as there are now spaces in the greenhouse. peppers looking good.


you thought they could not be any worse they succeed. If pinged it is not legally binding says a minister, then Downing Street says you should isolate if pinged. But critical workers will be exempt, as long as they take daily tests and are negative. But who is a critical worker is not stated. Any tax payer could claim to be. critical worker? What about a worker in a food shop? Or a shelf stacker in a supermarket, or the lorry driver who delivers the produce, or the waste collection operatives, any public transport worker, any NHS worker, Post Officer worker, delivery driver, and in this heat an ice cream van worker.