Still dry with what has fallen evaporating quickly – there is a chance of a decent amount tomorrow – my water butts are empty – but as it is isolated showers they could miss us completely. Otherwise the garden is good. Purple chillies are looking good! and tomatoes forming, raspberries if I can get them before the blackbird does, I have a dunnock nesting in the peuple elderflower/rose bush. Herbs ok but I think the lemon verbena has not made it!


Some innovative new plans from Labour regarding renewable energy. Given the financial black hole waiting for the next government it needs new ideas. OK so they arecopied from Germany and Denmark – but community owned renewable energy schemes look like a positive response to the problem. Could a similar scheme be introduced for water supply? 52% public ownership with water rates for households. And Sunak continues to talk about things whilst the migrants pour in, inflation and interest rates rocket,

Meanwhile the Mirror leads with lockdown party at Tory HQ, the Torygraph has a foeld day targeting Sue Gray, Whitehall civil servants and Macron all on the front page (no wonder they are the only spreadsheet!), the Mail continues with blue on blue attack on Sir Bernard Jenkins, and the Observer feeds the Sunak supporters with space.

Gove says report was excellent but he will abstain on Monday.


In 1989 interest rates hit 15% but the impact was less than todays rises for most as this was a smaller proportion of household expenditure. Also in 1989 40% of households had mortgages, this is now 30% with old people owning property outright and perhaps more people renting (and thus exposed to the interest rate rises). This is how the Conservatives manage the economy – less chance to get a mortgage and if you do pay more to the banks who are making huge profits at the moment. Wage inflation is high and driven mainly by steepllong rises and bonus’s in the City of London. The whole economy has been fashioned by Thatcher to allow huge wage rises in the City, coupled with a destruction of skilled jobs in manufacturing. Privatised water companies have paid out tens of £billions since privatisation and the quality of our rivers has deteriorated.

I know that the next government will not share the ideological position that I would like, but I would settle for an efficient, non-vindictive one for starters. A government by the people, for the people will do fine! Let us banish corruption and privilege, get equity back into our system. In many ways the next government faces a bigger challenge than in 1945, then we had a united country with a desire to improve things for all. Now we have a divided country with elite seeking to divide the country on age, sex, race, class, location. TNC’s run the world and pay little tax whilst politicans seem in awe of them. The only constant is the bile and hatred promoted by the right wing media. Thank you Daily Atar for your amusing headlines, todays was a comment on te British Naturalists Society comment on 30C temps and imploring us to go skinny dipping with the banner headline “FREE WILLY”.


Any MP’s who vote against the Johnson Inquiry findings are in contempt of the democracy of our Parliament and should be suspended! Those who have issued social media threats to other Conservatives about deselection should be forced into bye-elections.

Murdoch seems to be distancing himself from Johnson whilst the Telegraph, Express and Mail continue with a forlorn hope of creating a rebellion. Only the insane continue to believe that Johnson is not a liar, more likely is that they do not care! I think every person I have heard defending Johnson has received an honoir from him which sums up the corruption he has developed in government.

Sunak is very quiet! Presumably listening to see which way the cookie crumbles. I am obviously not a tory voter! but would the conservative voters think less of him for showing some balls (his trousers are almost short enough! and forcing allegience or removal of the whip from the die hard Johnson supporters. He has little respect at the moment for the lack of his firm leadership? Even J R-M has said only that he may vote against!

Actually I believe that Boris is sincere when he says he did not lie to Parliament. He is so far up his arse that I think he completely believes that the only truth is the one he makes up himself. The fact that he dismisses the actual facts is what he is actually guilty of!

Not fit for public office should be added to any future job applications. I would not trust him to deliver my post!

Where does this leave the Tory Party? Truss has said she will not vote against the committees findings. Will Johnson find out that the UK democracy is bigger than his ego?


At last a committee that would not be bulied or intimidated. 180 day suspension would have ensued had he not resigned and it is recommended that he has his House of Commons Pass rescinded. And not one word of contrition. Bye bye Boris, boris goodbye!

If you go down in the sea today, you’re sure of a big surprise

If you go down in the sea today, you’d better go in disguise
For every turd that ever there was 
Will gather there for certain because 
Today’s the day water companies issue their profits

Every child who’s ever been good is sure of a treat today
There’s lots of floating things to eat and wonderful diseases to catch
Beneath the waves where nobody sees 
They’ll hide and seek as long as they please
That’s the way the water companies have their picnic

Picnic time for holiday makers
The little children are having a lovely time today
Watch them, catch them unawares 
And see them share the sea on their holiday

See them gaily gad about
They love to play and shout
They never have any cares
At six o’clock their mummies and daddies 
Will take them back home to bed
and treat the vomit and shits that come about

If you go down in the sea today, you’d better not go alone
It’s lovely down in the sea today, but safer to stay at home
For every turd that ever there was 
Will gather there for certain because 
Today’s the day the rich cats have their picnic


I there I hope you are well – too hot! I have the fan out!

I have just ordered some more roses as they seem to like it in the front garden. I think the chicory may be coming back! and I am waiting to see if the evening primrose reappears, lemon verbena seems to have died but I retain hope! Something had a roll around in the middle of my raspberries last night, not sure what, the blackbird seems to see it as a McD’s – but fair play to it. Purple Loostrife has now been planted out. Tomatoes and chillies seem to be doing ok. Raspberries are being raided by a blackbird – fair play to him! Neighboirs seems to be cutting their grass less often! I hope it continues!

I am still cooking – I am still striving for a personable ciabatta ! or baguette! Doing bean sprouts at the moment!

Maz is signed on for teacher training, Martin still doing electrics and Tams has a new enterprise.


Oh dear, they do not know which way to turn. Record numbers of small boats is Starmers fault who is also now an ecoterrorist due to his opposition of their anti-democratic Public Order Bill. Nadine Dorries claims that her poverty at birth has prevented from being selected for the HoL she ignores the fact that the founder of the Big Issue is a Lord – maybe she was deemed just too stupid? However the nominations by Johnson create an excellent case for urgent reform of the whole situation. The Express leads with Boris will be back in frontline politics, they have obviously considered the average age and the IQ of their readership and could not see which was highest!

Polling in key seats show that just 12% want lower taxes and reduced public services whilst 36% want the opposite. Johnson and supporters should note – as should Starmer!


The dry spell continues, my 350ltrs of water butts have nearly run dry. But some floods around with convectional storms. Do planning authorities and the water boards actually have any AI – no not artificial intelligence – but AI – actual intelligence. Covering green sites with concrete reduces infiltration, increases convection and temperatures, speeds up runoff. We need urban planting, replacing impermeable surfaces like parking spaces with permeable grids, more street trees and roof gardens. It is common sense