It took the New York Times to report on the massive wealth being inherited and passing from Charles to William with no tax being paid. It took the Guardian to point out the 1000 or more laws amended by ER2 and CR3. Royalty is the pinnacle of the class system and privilege. It has been pointed out that many republican countries have despotic presidents (Trump, Putin, Xi to name but 3). However it should also be pointed out that many countries have a much more egalitarian attitude towards royalty. It is definitely time to reduce the role of the Royalty and our feudal class system. The Duchy needs to be privatised or taken into public ownership. The same with the Crown Estate.

The trash press will have to stop treating the whole thing as if it ere Eastenders. The fallacy that we make money from the tourism is just that, a fallacy. The Constitutional role of the monarch signing laws into being has been shown by JRM and BJBJ to be a joke.

Charlie boy has but one chance to ensure the status quo – he has to stand up for the British Public against the growth of fascism as being prorated by Truss and her cabal.

British Politics needs clensing, to much cronyism and corruption. Too much sleaze and privilege. We need a total eclipse of the House of Lords, reform of how prospective MP’s are selected (preferably chosen from local party members rather than candidates selected by those in Westminster). Career politicians should become as anarchic as the “Rotten boroughs”. Being a MP should not be a career choice, but an honour to serve the British Public.

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