Empty and clean greenhouse. Prune roses – be harsh?

Cut back apricot tree – I will cut it back loads (just enough for bird feeders to hang) – and see if it can revive? Move gooseberry bush. And prune wisteria and basically everything else!

Well, rubbish weather forecast from BBC, MetO, Meteo – all said dry this morning -so what is the damp stuff falling from above? Still I did manage a quick hack at the red rose by the bedroom window before it not-rained.


Forget super spread(er) xmas meals. Plan for safe spring time picnics and outside parties. I am planning my menu now.

OK so the menu will develop – add ideas please.

Xmas has songs/carols whatever. But suggestions for a spring/summer list of sing a long songs or old favourites – please post comments.


Just planted 40 cloves. I have taken out the borage plant and put in cloves of garlic in my ‘raised bed’ in front garden. They will have to compete with mint and others. I think I will need to plant borage again somewhere else, as it is a great bee plant – just not sure where – although a bit of gorilla planting might be good? Actually my mint has been pretty crap in the front garden this year – but lemon mint between the patio stones has been great!

So an empty greenhouse – suggestions welcome I think!


Chilly but dry day. Pasta dough in fridge, bread dough rising. Last of tomatoes picked (only a few small ones, but tasty). So Spag Bol for tea. And maybe tomorrow ‘Apple Charlotte”??


I never know what to do with the soil from the tomatoes and cucumbers and chillies in the greenhouse at this time of year. So I have a plan. Mix the soil with wild seeds like yellow rattle and then just spread out onto of the grass – hopefully this will give the seeds enough of a chance to get started and compete with the grass.


I am not sure what variety of apple I have, it is sort of half way between eater and cooker, and good for both! It is also late, another month I think. So whilst I did have a raspberry and apple stewed fruit with some windfalls yesterday I am going to collect apple recipes here.