Politicans talk bullshit at big international meetings. as soon as they get home they look at the opinion polls. This time, when they got home, they decided to give booster jabs to all over 50’s (announcement here next week) even though most did not need it. COVAX needs about £3 billion for vaccines and £30 billion for oxygen and other equipment – 1.5% of Biden’s projected Covid stimulus – and would be spread amongst G20 countries at least.

We can only hope that no new variants develop – why have there not been any for a while? Is the Delta/Johnson one so powerful as to be seeing the rest off.

We – humanity – need to basically follow the rules of survival. When everything is hunky-dory we can be selfish, when the chips are down we need to pull together. The virus does seem to be able to select poorer and more vulnerable for the greatest impact, but not exclusively.

can I donate my booster to Tanzania which is a country where less than 1% have been vaccinated?

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