And we have not got to the budget that is not a budget but is a budget that is being moved back as fast as they can. The NHS is having huge problems coping, schools will running up huge overdrafts once the Trusts use up their reserves (why do these trusts have reserves of such proportions? Surely the funding should have been spent on the education of those in the classroom.

The migrant crisis needs a positive and humane outcome asap. Farage (If you asked me what a twat looked like it would be a mix between him, Sleaze-Dogg and 3 or 4 gammons) and the inane right wing are ramping up the migrant “crisis” in a racist way. Is it radical to set up a system to legalise migration and asylum? We supposedly need workers in almost all areas of the economy, yet lock up young fit men in detention centres and hotels and ban them from working! Daft. Make the system work properly and then “illegal migrants” can be returned to their home countries – thus depriving the people traffickers of a huge slice of income. FM – it is not difficult.

The DUP need telling to sort themselves out in NI. The budgetary bonus and political windfall they enjoyed for supporting the tories a few years ago is gone. Polls show NI to be, hopefully moving away fro sectarian views. Unfortunately – I was going to type something then, but realised it was bullshit! I will rely on Andy to give me an insight that I will not necessarily agree with, but will have to come up with counter arguments before I disagree.

Extinction Rebellion – I sympathise but disagree with their methods. But every day of climate denial, anti-environmental policies, and lack of a positive government policy makes me more in favour of their tactics. There seems to be a lot of them! Tory deniers are queueing up to back denial Ministers with 6 figure sums. I will agree with some who claim that some climate crisis rules/laws maybe inefficient and could be better – but I suspect their claims for inefficiency are financial.

Windfall tax – a total no brainer. The oil companies have doubled their profits to £150 billion, Barclays Bank announced £2 billion profit for 3 months (take a moment to wonder where that money comes from?). And the other banks will be the same.

It seems that there are two parallel economies that exist in the UK. One is the one you and I live in. We work for a public service or for a small business like a shop or factory. Wespend mist of our money locally and support each other. The other is the world of London (and other high finance centres) – they suck profits from local communities and give them out as dividends. Yes some of these dividends come back to the likes of me (retired with a retirement account).

Globalisation is becoming a more interesting topic. One I will come back to.

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