1. As a 19 year old articled clerk. We had a client who was being done for pornography – he was a 60 year old knife thrower at a fairground who had a ‘peep show’ when he could not get anyone to throw knives at (he also wore pebble glasses!). First I had to go the the police station and view the offending material – gross! Then was told to go to the paper shop and buy every magazine on the top shelf! Glowing like a 100 red traffic lights I had to take them to the counter which was staffed by an attractive 18 year old girl. Then the solicitor and I had to look through them to see if they were as gross!
  2. In court for drinking and driving – it was the morning after and an early start to pick wife now ex up from work at 6am.
  3. First day at Churchill School – new tutor group – 5th on the register was Siobhan Fear – my pronunciation was embarrassing Is-oh-b – Han!

that will do for now!

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