My road is being dug upland a new plastic gas main put in. The official line is that it is an update. But as my house is 1960’s I am surprised. One of the workmen told Aaron in the shop that it was so a switch to hydrogen could be made! This makes more sense as the cost must be huge- and there must be thousands of older estates not getting the update? I am not sure what the logistics of hydrogen are? Would they need to do the whole village? We are not used to long term planing in this country!

Indeed the plans for a clean up of rivers and lakes has just been delayed for a few years. The last review in 2016 found just 14% rivers in good health – surely it cannot have got worse? Meanwhile there have been 138 sewage leaks in the last 12 months in Whitehall and other government buildings across the country.

Tomatoes – now upto 5.3kg so far and a good crop of chillies. Apples looking good too. Some labels on – more tomorrow.

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