Ignorance turns to bigotry when fed with false information via the likes of Facebook. Or the edict of a rather ignorant government. telling doctors to have face to face meetings with patients will increase the tensions. During the last lockdown a customer came into the shop locally sneezing and coughing without a mask. I personally was threatened with ‘I should knock your fucking block off’ by someone who overheard a conversation I was having with a colleague about mask wearing.

What leads these people to violence must be related to their inability to verbalise an argument or a lack of a way to be heard if a bigger issue is at heart. How many teachers have heard comments similar to ‘my little Jonny don’t fucking swear”. Followed by threats if disagreed with. Unfortunately Johnson has made lying acceptable in all circumstances and Rees-Dogg (Leader of the House) made it acceptable to make up bullshit to counter sensible behaviour (mask wearing). What he should have said was that Tory MP’s do not need to wear masks as they all live in big mansions with at least 3 rooms per person and get to work in a chauffeur driven limo!

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