Migrants. My first thought is what ever is it which drives a person to leave everything they love/hate but understand behind? Then I read about conflict and wars (yep that could make any parent want to protect their children by taking them away from harm). Which counties are the worlds biggest suppliers of weapons? And then I am ashamed!

Being ashamed is a big deal. I was ashamed when I was prosecuted for drinking and driving. I was ashamed when I was in court for my divorce (I had not done enough to make it work). I am ashamed when talking to European friends about the bigotry associated with Brexit.

And no, I do not think we need to welcome everyone who would like to move here without some detailed analysis. Firstly, and without reservation we should offer sanctuary to those in peril – I want to be proud of my country – and say yes we protect those in need. Secondly we need to do our best to ensure that the policies of our government do not create the situations that lead to people leaving their homelands. So stop selling weapons to despotic governments.

And this is an aside here – the planes that hit targets in NY and Washington were all hijacked by Saudi Arabians (bar one I think). Yet because, and only because, of oil, we have ignored this fact.

So back to migrants. Can we suppose that they do not want to risk their lives and those of their children. Then ask what are they doing? Yes they could be like some of the money grubbing scum bags we see in the UK, but I am sure the vast majority are just desperate for a better life (one where they do not fear for their life every day.

So we face the difficult question regarding deaths in the English Channel. We are the 5/6/7th richest nation on earth, so should not hide behind moral responsibilities for poorer people. People fleeing across borders and countries should not be necessary. I do not think we should have an open policy for migrants, but we need to counter it by reducing the investment in armaments and weapons.

At present talks are about reducing foreign aid – I cannot comprehend the ignorant imbeciles who might be behind such a stupid policy.

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