So it is morality which we should look to if we wish to define good from evil. And of course these too have changed through history – although maybe we should not confuse religion with morality. There is a big question! But it does make me wonder about the lack of intellectual debate on morality in public life. A.Johnson obviously is a non-starter in any discussion, due to his duplicitous personal life. I believe Jeremy Corbyn had morality at his heart. Starmer we will wait and see.

It does not necessarily come down to a Tory = Greed; Labour = Socialism. There is nothing wrong with a capitalist system which creates ‘a bigger cake to tax’ and rewards enterprise. In the same way a socialist system which inhibits economic reward results in a smaller tax return. However we have come to a point where the wealth of the richest is unreconcilable with morality. No charitable donation by the mega rich is sufficient – they should not have that wealth, and it should not be theirs to chose who to give it to.

I do not want a morality police, but exposures of public wrong doing should be aired publicly. And playing the system should become untenable for those trying it.

Wealth = innovation is an interesting idea and concept. Musk, Branson and co are investing in space travel – but going down a commercial rather than scientific path. My personal opinion is that space travel will become viable in several centuries time – we need lots of ground breaking science before it becomes practical – but it will!

In the meantime they would be better advised to invest in stopping the degradation of our planet.

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