It seems that a deal between the Westminster government and the EU is entirely feasible. Whether the DUP will endorse it is debatable, as is the backing of the ERG. Sunak can almost certainly get it through Parliament, albeit with the backing of Labour. This is riski for Rishi as Johnson and the ERG are mustering troops for an assault on his leadership. The real test will be the spring elections which are just a couple of months away. If the Conservatives do as badly as expected, the hyenas on the right will be circling.

Mean while Coffrey tells us that we should be eating turnips not tomatoes! At least Marie-Antoinette replaced bread with cake! Perhap Lee Anderson could include turnips in his 30p meals. Add in some Bully Beef from Raab and Braverman – a dishi Rishi could be proud of!

Seriously Rishi needs to sort the cabinet out soon. Appeasing the ERG for party unity before the welfare of the country will inevitably lead to his downfall, regardless of whether the NI agreement is a success or not. There is a definite sizeable minority who support Britain First or whatever the latest conflagration of the racist right is. However in most areas I believe that getting those 15% of votes will be at the cost of a similar proportion moving to the LibDems or Starmers ‘tory friendly” Labour. This should be a landmark oportunity for the Greens too, unfortunately they are probably to concerned with being WOKE and gender issues. However important these issues may seem, climate change, the environment, the economy and social justice are so much more important. Transgender issues will have their day – if we can work out the rest of the shit first. And where are the LibDems?

Regarding the local elections – photo ID needed. I suspect most young people have a driving licence or passport. Those disadvantaged people in society, and especially cities will possibly be barred from voting. The other section of society that may struggle is the older sector. OK I am nearly 70 but my passport is nearly out of date, I only have a paper copy of my driving licence. Would an out of date copy of either be relevant? There is a poster about this – small and surrounded by many other posters for recycling etc. How many people will turn up on the day and be denied the opportunity to vote? Will the police be on standby?

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