My first appointment would be to someone who would ensure that anything about me that was egoistic was banished. Then appointing clever people with principle and integrity to be advisors. This might be more difficult to achieve than to write! Then I would rewrite the conditions of service for ministers so that they could be sacked for incompetence without compensation. Actually I might employ them via the gig economy. Pay them when needed.

In some ways slime ball Cummings was correct about parts of the civil service and Whitehall. So an overall is almost certainly necessary. I would move some Ministries out of London straight away – Education to Scotland or Wales – I do not want the union to break up, but totally understand why people vote against Westminsters nasty party/s! Defence could go up north too. F&C Office best stay in London with overseas aid. Home Office to Birmingham.

Would I have made wrong decisions if I had been in charge? Of course, it was inevitable without hindsight. But it would’ve been done with honesty, and quicker, thus saving lives.

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