It would be a bit like pointless (but contestants would be the “one hundred people”.  It would need about 6-10 people to play (although questions could be adapted for larger numbers). Basically a question is sent out which has multiple answers.  If no one else gives your answer you get 0 points, if just one other , 1 point, etc. and 1 point for each competitor for an in correct answer. Lowest number wins.

So an example could be to name a side which has won the FA Cup since 1960 or name a member of 1966 World Cup wining side.  Questions could be sent out 4 or 5 at a time, with answers being emailed to the weeks moderator. I don’t know what technology you use if doing it remotely if you are in visual contact writing out the answer and holding it up would do?
I was thinking it could be fun with tactics playing a part – the double bluff as it were?  Do you go for Geoff Hurst or Bobby Moore, or try to be clever and go for Cohen or Wilson?Questions could also be of variable difficulty?  I.e. Name a player in 1966 World Cup wining squad?
An advantage is that the quiz does not have to pitched to a particular level. 
A variation round would be statistical – eg. How many countries names end with an ‘A’ – with points awarded for closest.

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