I suspect there is plenty more to come. The glee on Tory front benches as Raab had a go at Rayner regarding Glyndebourne was rather sickening, it was as if they enjoyed an attempt to demean a woman. I suspect this is the culture in Westminster and not totally confined to the Tories (although mainly). With about 20+% voting to ban abortion in NI we should be under no illusions that we have intelligent, educated minds in Parliament. Power corrupts as we see almost daily. And the papers are either frightened or cajoled into keeping quiet on the Private Eye revelation of how the PM, when FS, was given a BJ by his mistress at the time in the FO, and who he then promoted for a £100000+ job she was not qualified for. Also did he make his hairdresser pregnant and then pay her to move to N.America.

The gutter press has kept very quiet, as has the Guardian – are they threatened with injunctions or expensive civil disputes? Well done Private Eye. The fact that Pincher has not resigned is reprehensible as it is the second time he has had to resign as a whip. But maybe he sees BJBJ getting away with a total lack of morality means he thinks he has not been so bad. Why did Johnson not sack him? – because he is a coward. Or maybe he knows too much? There is probably less sleaze in a brothel!

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