So I went to a supermarket for the first time for over a year (ignoring 2 click and collect). Not too busy, everyone wearing a mask and old like me! Social distancing good. So maybe in another couple of months! I stocked up on odd things like razors, sardines (why are they so expensive in the local shop?), shampoo, and rather a lot of other stuff! I was surprised to see a queue at the fish counter – I know it is Friday, but did not know anyone cared about that anymore!


Hard boiled eggs – cold water, bring to boil and simmer for 7 1/2 minutes, rinse under cold water for 2 mins.

Soft boiled eggs – lower into boiling water, turn down and cook for 4 minutes.

Poached eggs – crack egg into sieve to allow runniest parts of egg to go. Whisk boiling water in saucepan with drop of vinegar, lower jug into water and tip egg out, turn down and cook for 3 minutes. Or put egg into lightly greased cling film in a ramekin and twist like a goldfish at the fair, and then dunk in boiling water.

Scrambled eggs – crack straight into cooking pan with butter and salt. Stir and leave 10 secs, stit and leave until how you like them. Take off heat and a know of butter or creme fraiche to stop cooking process. Mix with whatever you like – smoked peppers, mushrooms, dried toms, cheese, bacon, fish, herbs, whatever!

Granola – has an egg white, why? But flour, nuts seeds, honey, coconut oil, coconut flakes, cook 30 mins at 170c. Add chopped fruit after cooking.


Why is the wind so noisy? Certainly blowing at the moment! I have repotted the planyts that arrived yesterday and will give them a day to acclimatise, hoping that the slugs will not get them. And then planting Papaver plats tomorrow. Old shirts selected for hanging baskets!


I did not watch the prat show on TV last night. Whilst I think she is rather pretty and he seems ok, it is odd that a 2nd or 3rd rate American actress and upper class nob can be so interesting to at least 2 nations! Nottinghill Part 2.

It is interesting that a bunch of obscure people known as the firm, or institution, can hold such sway over a technologically savvy country in the 21st century! All this would be totally irrelevant were it not for the race issue. Yet again we are seeing how racism and sexism are still undermining much of `British Society. Whilst the press seem to be able to write forever on this topic I have not much else to say. Whether they stay in USA or not, whether the heir apparent talks to them on the phone is basically irrelevant and boring!.

RECIPES FOR A WEEK – 7 days a week!

Breakfasts: Home created muesli; scrambled egg; toast and cheese with avocado mayo; toast and marmite; toast and honey or homemade jam; blueberry muffins; omelette.

Main – oh, I am so confused! What do I want? Being by myself I tend to have to live with whatever I cook for at least 2 days! So, I am thinking salad. So coleslaw, hummus, potato salad, garlic bread, salad nicoise, French dressing. And then a nut loaf, quiche or pasta cheese bake, and maybe smoked mackerel pate. So that is at lest 3 days.

I also fancy a really good ragu bolognese, so maybe spag bol, and then chilli con carne? – that’s another couple of days.

So 2 to go. Lamb with a flat bread and salad might use up left over salad with raita.

So my shopping list is : eggs, lamb chunks, beef mince, bread rolls, white cabbage, smoked mackerel – it is probably sad that I have everything else.

And for the days when I can’t be bothered my comfort foods are : tinned tomato soup, baked beans and tinned sardines in tomato sauce.

And just obviously I am not following this already 15 hours later. Making a salad as the weather is wet, windy and chilly! So spicy chick peas, hard boiled egg in avocado mayo with smoked paprika, baked potato,

I might do a pizza with stripes tomorrow (Red Leicester and cheddar and mozzarella. Rye bread dough in bin – it did not rise at all!

And then deserts – I tend not to do these so perhaps one a week – lemon drizzle cake this week I think? I am not brave enough for meringues yet!


The trouble;e with ordering plants is that they do not come for weeks and I forget! So I had a surprise delivery this morning. I think I will put them in pots for now, see what grows in the garden and then use them to fill gaps. Double begonias can be the start of hanging baskets. Pots can be by side of kitchen for now. Free gift of 50 gladioli! I think most will end up as a free gift from me!

Lemon and lime have babies beginning to form – could be as many as 18 in porch. Avocado is still going and orchid still in flower – 5th year. Dwarf daffodils appearing, and some snowdrops still around. I guess the slugs will have a feast, but hopefully a hedgehog will wander along and maybe a song thrush. Anchusa royalist planted.

I am still holding fire on the greenhouse until the 20th March when operation plant seeds begins! All pots in position.


This was bit of a novelty – a cookbook with 120 recipes and no photo’s. At first I was a bit patronised by the simplicity of some of the recipe titles such as fried eggs, but each recipe is referenced by the authors research to other chefs recipes, and discusses their benefits and drawbacks. I particularly liked this as it gives me ideas and a choice. I also liked the sauces as they are always useful to add flavour and pizzazz to otherwise bland food.

Most recipes only use normal ingredients.


Williamson causing chaos and confusion regarding disadvantaged students catch up, as stated by the Head of OFSTED. It seems that the Eton rich boys club will again be sending out untested edicts about how disadvantaged students can catch up. My personal opinion is that it might be worth considering using field study centres for week long courses based on the outdoors? Or maybe time spent in work place situations like farms or … ideas?