In line with recent times it looks like this winter could be ‘interesting’. Fuel prices are definitely going to be higher – by how much we do not know yet. The impact on commercial coal firms is already hitting with CO2 production slashed which has an impact on meat processing and fizzy drinks, as well as the NHS whose supply the government says is safeguarded. So food and drink supplies are likely to be disrupted rather than curtailed. Power supplies should be OK but it might be touch or go at times if we have overcast high pressure reducing wind capacity and leading to low temperatures.


Love it – just the names. Winners yesterday were : Pontefract Colleries; Curzon Ashton; City of Liverpool; Radcliffe; Runcorn Linnets; Marske United; Jersey Bulls are going to a replay. Chelmsford are through as are W-s-M. I think I am supporting Runcorn Linnets and Jersey Bulls for the next round.


Population UK 2010 62.51 million. 2020 67.89 million. Calculator out – an increase of 8.6%. So at a basic level demand for NHS has gone up 8.6%. Inflation in the decade has been about 25%. Then the increase in people over 65 increasing. Ok extrapolation is getting silly, and beyond my ability. But a basic calculation means that NHS spending should have gone up by 25% for inflation, then another 8.6% for population increase, and then more for the ageing population.


The great vaccine victory claimed by Brexiteers is turning sour. 9 EU countries, after a slow and clumsy start, have now overtaken the UK with numbers vaccinated. With our government having vaccine as its top policy, actually its only policy, is is sad that they seem to have given up on any policies to get more people vaccinated – new policy will be to trumpet the total number of jabs given so they can treble count people. Not all is rosy in the EU Bulgaria is on 16% and Romania 27%.


With headlines in some papers about Xmas dinner being cancelled and the Business Secretary saying ‘don’t panic’ it probably is time to be very worried. Britain is about 50% reliant on gas and the price has soared recently, possibly resulting in a £400 increase in household bills. 7 energy suppliers have gone bust with another 4 likely to go next week. CO2 is in short supply due to 2 plants shutting down due to cost of gas.


Things are winding down now – only 2 tomatoes ripe this morning, Bright orange chillies have been good with about 30. I have had 2 red peppers and might get another couple. I also have cranberries ripening – hopefully enough for Christmas dinner! Quite a lot of parsley if anyone wants – I could dry some I suppose.


I just had a look at the percentages – Sandford area 90.3% single -86% double. Compare this with Bourneville 76.2/68.6; Bedminster 76.1/68.6; Bodmin 77.4/83.4; Lostwithiel 80/85.8; Barton Hill Bristol 58.2/46.6, Holborn 48.4/42.5.


It is time to say to those who claimed it would all be easy and plain sailing, £300 millionth a week for the NHS, etc. now is the time to expose the lies and hypocrisy.


The term reappeared yesterday with Gove been given the job of overseeing it. Just how the tories think they will achieve it is down to smoke and mirrors. Of course the tories of the shires do not want the ruffians from the north getting on a level footing with them. The party is also practising austerity at the moment by cutting UC and the tax rises were mainly on the poor, and nowhere near enough to fund the NHS and Care.