Military to be used to stem Channel crossings as Johnson seeks to stay PM. How do they do this – sink boats and kill people? I am seriously thinking that being English is as bad as being called a c***!


Daily Mail reprints Saturdays front page and says Starmer has questions to answer. So the leader of the Government has admitted wrong doing on multiple occasions, has lied to Parliament – but the Daily Tory Mailshit leads with a story even the Sun could not make stick a year ago.


So Johnson launches Operation Red Meat, obviously unaware of the health aspects of red meat! Attacking The BBC seems to be the first target. Then attacking people trying to cross the Channel and ignoring the fact that most of them will have bona fide cases for remaining if they reach the UK. Lifting Covid restrictions which might be OK but seems to be rather risky before the good weather arrives. Throwing money at the NHS backlog – probably by paying private hospitals (privatisation by stealth). Throwing money at investment in skills. Sunak must be having a fit as Johnson spavs public money against the wall in an attempt to save his job and flat (recently redecorated at his own expense eventually).

Michael Fabricate has said The BBC has a witch hunt against Johnson which amounts to a coup attempt. What is he on? Even the Mail and Telegraph have reported the parties with disgust – and Corbyn was crucified by all media outlets 24/7. He should go home and play with his lego, or is it still Duplo for him?


Every article accepts the housing shortage to be true. Is it though? House prices are rising due to second home buyers and buy to rent. Three quarters of a million homes are second homes and empty for most of the year. Yet we condone the erasure of the countryside for new homes. yet another example of the law working for the rich.


Benitez goes – Duncan Ferguson takes over. Interesting as Everton are/were sliding downwards.

Liverpool in contract discussions with Salah – will they sell hi to pay for Haaland? Or will ManC come up with £250 million, or will he be off to Real Madrid (Barca probably cannot afford him?), or PSG (pocket a couple of hundred million and move on).


The right wing gutter press is whooping with joy at Dorries attack on the BBC. I have been critical of the BBC and like any large institution it needs constant revision and updating. I even think it has shown pro-establishment bias at times. But this attack is more than that – her attack is because it does not report like the Telegraph and the Mail. It is not unquestioning of government policies and statements. The ‘bias’ mentioned is really just a lack of bias to the government and Brexit. It is not anti-woke and has even allowed presenters who are not white , mostly male and from Public Schools in the south of England.


It is necessary to be very careful when criticising the police. As The former Chief Constable of Durham has pointed out – we police this country by consent rather than force or fear. It is therefore important that the police are seen to be impartial is all aspects. They have fallen short of this regarding racism over past years – this is recognised and hopefully measures are being taken to counter this institutional racism.


The total lack of integrity by supporters of Johnson. It is clear that he has broken the ministerial code, the proprietary we should expect from a PM, has lied and blustered; and still many MP’s have no qualms in jockeying for places in their perception of future leadership games. STOP the games and call him out – Sir Kenneth Clarke was correct in calling for him organise a leaving party.