We have heard from the Tories that cannabis leads to heroin; it seems that lying and getting away with dishonesty leads to much, much bigger crimes.


The Royal Family are unelected privileged representatives of the ruling class that treats the working person with contempt. Our democracy has not been totally eroded by tories crooks yet, so booing Willie was perfectly legitimate.


It should be up to sovereign countries to align themselves with whoever they like? When it suits us! Cuba, Salvador, Nicaragua, Grenada, post WWII Greece, etc. Nothing is ever that simple. It is understandable that Russia should feel threatened in the context of its history.

Ukraine however is preventing a sensible conversation about this between NATO and Russia. I do allocate blame 99% with Putin, but regardless of this there needs to be dialogue, rather than jingoism.

NASTY – The party of hate

The press made a coordinated attack on the common people today at the behest of the government. Daily Express states that Johnson is cutting the ban on advertising of crap food fro help struggling families (let them eat crap and die); The Times continues to rail against the levelling up of opportunities to go to Oxbridge (at present the private schools with 7% of pupils get 33% of places); The Gutter Press continue to back the PM against Civil Servants working from home – just because he is a lazy work shy bastard he things everyone else is. Sleaze-Dogg says he suspects CS’s working from home do a 3 day week (whilst MP’s are free to work from the Caribbean. Hate is what they thrive on and create


You can find this recipe here:

Vegan meal tapas

Potatoes in tomato sauce

Courgette, tomato and pepper stew

Marinated peppers

Spinach, pine nuts and raisins


Marinated olives

Roasted almonds with paprika

Garlicky mushrooms on toast

Cinnamon mushroom skewers

Red pepper and ?  Paella

Potato, bean and tomato salad

Courgette and olive flat bread

Braised Spanish vegetables

Butter bean and potato casserole

Chilled gazpacho

Crispy aubergine with honey

Roasted stuffed peppers


There should be a 10/15 minute broadcast the latest progress or not regarding climate change. This should include electricity generation on a weekly basis to show renewable/fossil generation. It should also have regular updates of electric car sales, houses insulated, CO2 levels.

All this could be supplemented with relevant innovations and analysis of government policies, both home and abroad (new coal mines, power stations etc.).

It should not be scaremongering, but should attempt to keep the issue at the forefront of everyones minds. Excerpts should be put on social media and politicians asked for comments on specific issues.

There is plenty of material available to make it an interesting programme with a valuable contribution.

Canada, Russia, Brazil and the USA and the Middle Eastern producers are all offering subsidies to fossil fuel companies to expand production. At present fossil fuels accounts for 60% of greenhouse gases – so basically governments are subsidising fossil fuel extraction using your taxes. Britain is not squeaky white on this with one of the 22 mega projects (although one of the smallest of the biggest.


Recycling in England has fallen to 44% whilst in Wales it has risen to 56.5. Total amount of waste generated by households in the UK is 27m tonnes, up 2.4%

Whist recycling may not be a primary major cause of the climate crisis it is an indication of how we are running the planet and not cutting emissions.


Lee Anderson (very nasty party) says a nutritious meal can be cooked for 30p. In my local shop this might buy me some gross children sweets (do we hate children in this country by feeding them these sweet chemicals concoctions.). I definitely do not call this nutritious.