So Chris Philip, a tory MP thinks the UK needs a better work ethic. He is just dumb! Create good working conditions and pay and the problem is solved. As ever I would preach being clever is the answer. Limited studies have shown that reduced hours increases productivity. Better pay would also attract more people off benefits. The huge growth in disparity between workers and FTSE100 directors tells a story of its own. How can e.g.Tesco pay out dividends and huge salaries whilst full time workers do not receive enough to get off benefits.
As ever it is the rich and privileged who cast the blame. Yes I am sure they work hard in their own way – but with their nice cars and homes and holidays, they should be careful of casting accusations. Zero hours contracts and minimum wage with no prospects is not the way to increase work ethic. The social contract for the young is broken. Work hard at school and succeed and then go to University and get £50 grand of debt, but then find that the jobs available are poorly paid, or even if reasonably paid, the cost of housing is extortionate. So big debt, shit job and shit housing -so Chris Philip you are awarded knob of the day!
John Lewis style packages should be mandatory. Why would an employer not want to encourage an inclusive work ethic. As a teacher I experienced a variety of management types. I will also add that maybe I was not the most subservient employee! However I was allowed to enjoy my job, most of the time, and never threw a sickie. DrWratten was awful and imposed a dictorial rule which alienated staff and kids (but the arse lickers got on!). At least with education the teacher is in control of their work space most of the time.