What have you done? Oh my, are you going to regret it!
the orange man baby has acted with both speed and spite. The rioters have been pardoned, he has quit the WHO, opened up the USA for further fossil fuel exploitation, renaming The Gulf of Mexico and Mount Denali, declaring a state of emergency on the southern borders, withdrawing from Paris Agreement, declaring that there are only 2 genders. Americans will come to learn what it is to live in a fascist state.
Of further concern was the guest list for his inauguration – the mega rich, the inhumane, the bigots were all out in force. The British contingent were obviously not rich enough, not inhumane enough and not bigotted enough to get an invite and were left fawning outside.
He has already impregnated the Supreme Court with his minions, now he has passed a schedule to allow dismissal of any civil servant at his whim. Promoting the macho image augers ill for women – rape charges have not been disproved against him; anti-abortion laws have been enforced by some states even in cases of paternal rape. The man is a disgrace to the human race. Planet Earth is unlikely to submit without a fight! Unfortunately she does not have the ability to be selective in the disasters she can wreak. But we can be sure that the USA will not be spared from drought, flood, fire, earthquakes, tornado and even tsunami.
God spared him (according to himself) – I am definitly a confirmed atheist!