Ok so Trump is in the White House, Labour are disappointing and it is January and cold.

So time for a ramble through my hopes for the future. Firstly (as this will not be a coherent list!) climate change. Deniers can fuck themselves not others! Changing the norms of society will be glacially slow anyway, so it is imperiative to start yesterday! Solar panels and heat pumps should be subsidised and made compulsory for all new builds and large buildings. Electric cars should be subsidised by the recycling of petrol driven ones. these are no brainers!

Society should move towards the longevity of things – quality over convenience. It now gets difficult as quality costs more! So to avoid penalising poverty we need a more equable society. I suppose it is inevitable that there are spongers and crooks amongst us, but that should not provide the justification for huge wage differences. I am now losing the plot! How can we encourage risk and productivity without penalising it? I need to think things through more before continuing! Education has to be a key element as does community/society.

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