I think I have been scammed? I am generally careful, I do not answer phone to unknown callers, i do not give out bank details, etc. But when I checked my bank balance (a rare occassion in itself!) I found some debits for £34.95 – when I contacted the bank they said i had done a deal for £2 on 2 Nov 2024 and should check emails for a confirmation. I have cleared my emails since then! Still £140 worse off is better than thousands! I guess I will discover if it is important when the next payment is cancelled! I have no idea – could £2 have been added to a bill for Corinnes Birthday present without me noticing? Oh well, if not a scam I will find out!

In politics Starmer has made an announcement regarding AI – I do not pretend to understand it! It is not the absolute nutters who are of concern (the planet matters more than people brigade), but the rich bastards who will manipulate things for their own ego’s – and there are a lot of them from Trump, Musk, Zuckerberg,etc. down to thelikes of Murdoch and family and other low life.

LA continues to burn – cost estimated at over £200 billion – I guess that some insurance firms could go bust (Florida’s 2 hurricanes were not cheap) and the rest of us will also pay – even in the UK! And Trump blames officials, firefighters, anyone other than the perpetrators – the oil and gas industries. In this country the RW papers blame green initiatives for the gas shortage, not the government that shut the storage facilities!

Then to Zuckerberg who is stopping fact checking in the name of ‘freedom of speech’. What a fucking knob! What is wrong when little men with little penis’s sit in their bedrooms and spout such vile shite. Havetz’ wife said she has had posts hoping they lose their unborn child due to her husband missing a penalty! What should their penalty be? Prison maybe, community service – not enough? Castration? This is a possible solution!

We live in a patriacal society whatever people say. Women are not treated equally in our society. Token women in politics, who have to act like men to succeed, do not count. Economics, especially business economics is a fantasy created for, and driven by men. The Public School system is designed for men. The House of Lords is what it says on the label!

Iceland now has a co-alition that has women in every main position of power. In this country we congratulate ourselves by having Thatcher as PM but she was surrounded by men. But have we actually had a government department actually run by women? The civil service is dominated by pseudo aristocracy, power remains in mens grip. The structure of firms is designed for power based dickheads! Labour should insist that all companies have employee sharing of profits.

Oh well – that is enough rant! Cold again, keep warm and feed the birds – I had a bullfinch in the garden but very few other species! Where are all the tits?

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