I have a quiz thing going with the local shop – Today’s was when was Robinson Crusoe written – I was surprised that the shop manager had never heard of it (Kate got it 100%). Being 71 and an ex-teacher should I have been surprised by this? My knowledge of celbrities is almost totally absent and my lack of film knowledge is legendary
However it did made me think about the shared culture that is becoming fragmented with the internet. So a list of famous Brits that I would consider important.
In no particular order Turing, Bernier’s-Lee, Shakespeare, F. Nightingale, C.Dickens, J.Austin, Bronte sisters, RLStevenson author and the George Stevenson inventor, James Watt, IK Brunel, James Cook, Francis Drake, Wellington, C.Darwin, A.Fleming, R.Dhal, B.Potter, R.Hargreaves, L.Carrol, S.Peyps, J.Wren, Capability Brown,A.A.Milne, J.Constable, JR Turner, Shelley, Tennyson, Byron, Robin Hood, Robert the Bruce,D.Attenbrough?Horatio Nelson, Beatles, R.Branson, David Livingstone. Robert Clive (bastard!), Cabot, Mary Quant,
Politicians – Gladstone, Disraeli, Churchill, Thatcher, Lloyd-George, Peel younger and elder, Bevan Ernest and Aneurin, Marx and Engles.
Events – Tolpuddle Martyr’s, Armarda, D-Day, Dunkirk, Agincourt, Culluden,
Rulers – Arthur,Alfred, William 1, Richard 1, Henry 5,7 +8, Edward 1, Charles 1, Victoria. Cromwell
Sports -Bobby Moore, Bobby Charlton, George Best, Andrew Murray, WCGrace, Murray Walker, Hamilton, Jim Clarke,
Music – this will be dated – Cliff Richard (unfortunately) makes the list, Adam Faith, Cilla Black, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Sex Pistols, David Bowie, Spice Girls, Blur, Oasis,