The graphs below are fascinating. They show the prevalence of covid geographically. To read full article click here
Source: ONS data for England and Wales.
Notes: Age-standardised mortality rates with 95% confidence intervals. Area types: 1: Major conurbation; 2: Minor conurbation; 3: Urban city/town; 4: Rural town/city; 5: Rural town/fringe; 6: Sparse rural town/fringe; 7: Village; 8: Sparse village; 9: Hamlets; 10: Sparse hamlets
There are 4 main reasons for these discrepancies.1. Population density. 2. Transport Networks. 3. Crowded housing. 4. Industry and occupational structure.
As the figures show deaths it is surprising to see just how high major conurbation are as they have a generally younger population. The older population in hamlets might explain area 9, although it could also be due to commuting for shopping, work, etc.?