Yet another example of why we need higher tax on the rich. I wait patiently to see an argument of why low tax on billionaires benefits a country. Raising the tax threshold puts money into the local economy immediately.

Meanwhile the Royal Navy has quietly stated that Nasty Patel’s ideas for using it in the English Channel are unworkable. It is quite, but not very, amusing to think of a huge aircraft carrier to intercept an inflatable in the name of the defence of the realm.

Johnson pictured running in many papers – he can run, but he cannot hide. The worst possible scenario for democracy will be a white wash by Sue Grey. Finding him guilty, etc. will lead the nasty party into contortions to try and sort out, but will not threaten democracy. The electorate will decide that in the future where hopefully honesty will be a major issue.

It has gone quiet on whether Williamson will become a Sir – which would be a major argument for the abolition of the whole system. 90% of doctors and nurses should be honoured before him, although they would probably prefer an appropriate pay rise.

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