Whilst things have been going well with the governments Covid strategy in the main, some aspects remain tarred with the brush of corruption.

Whilst Dildo Harding has over sight of test and trace, it seems she has not been alert enough. Over 50000 employees – not of the NHS, but outsourced to their favourite cronies. Not only is no evidence of any success or efficiency, it now seems that these firms have been abusing the system, avoiding taxes and undermining employee rights. Same old nasty party!

Why can’t they clean up their act, I guess it is because the guy at the top is incompetent.

Whilst on incompetence we have the Labour Party. Maybe Starmer could use the PMQ’s as a chance to state new policies which would be better than the Tory ones, or even just one! Slaging Johnson off is a) too easy; and b) possibly counterproductive as people genuinely do not care that much whilst they can sing the tune of we get things done. At the moment they are riding high on the vaccine success of the NHS, a rebounding economy and the end to lockdown (hopefully permanently).

So lets hear it for a renationalised train system investing in Northern links (combined with a ban on all flights of less than 500km. A new line to Cornwall avoiding Dawlish. Investment in electric charging points. A scrappage scheme to allow people to scrap diesel cars. Investment in insulation and planning rules to make solar panels compulsory. Investment in tidal energy – possibly small scale. Warn investors in denationalised water companies and energy companies that excessive profits will be taxed. Introduction of a rule that any company paying dividends must be paying employees enough to avoid claiming universal credit. Directors wages and bonus’s to be capped in a similar way. I do not care if Coates gets £420 million as long as she pays her taxes in full, and all her workers are properly remunerated for their efforts. Make tax breaks for John Lewis style structures.

Local business rates needs a complete evaluation. What do they get for their money? I know they do not get rubbish collection or recycling! I am sure the NHS could be less bureaucratic and I would love to know if school academies have been economically more efficient (I fear not!).

House prices – much of problem could be solved by higher tax of second homes and airbnb. Lets see what the education bit of the Queens speech says today. (PS. she is a fit old bird – has she missed one yet?).

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