First up are the LibDems. They have not recovered from the disasterous coalition with the the Tories. Rejoining the EU is not a particularly popular policy, many would see Labours proposals for greater alignment as a better policy. Whilst the RW tories will harp on about greater divergence.
Green issues – should be an open goal for the LD’s, however they do not seem to be making much of it so far? Their policy makers seem to favour a much more local campaign programme.- which may leave them short when it comes to national campaigning. The mainly southern conservative seats they have a good chance of wining may need more than the local impact which works so well in by-elections. W-s-M is a potential gain for LD’sso I look forward to seeing what they have to offer – a special post on W-s-M will be written soon!!
So really it looks like he week will go past with a whimper.