Lots of potentially huge stories. Cabinet Office found guilty of concealing the work of one of its elements in obstruction Freedom of Information requests. NHS is to delay sharing patient data. Huge outage affects internet yesterday.

Covid remains dominant in the news, cases up, hospitalisation and death down. Now, more than ever we need clear and firm leadership. To the lay person like myself, it would seem that there is no real reason to carry on with restrictions. However even I can see some warning signs. Cases in North Somerset have doubled in the last week. One jab is only 50% effective. Some restrictions would seem sensible – social distancing where ever possible, mask wearing in crowded indoor areas. Vaccine passports are being used at Wembley for the Croatia game.

Meanwhile the NHS is 35000 nurses short and is recruiting poorly qualified people. And in Cornwall the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro is clearing wards in preparation for the influx of tens of thousands for the G7 conference. People have also even been warned to avoid calling 999.

Cicada – this year is the cycle of the 17 year cicada. Millions will come out, mate and die leaving their 500 eggs to hatch and then burrow into the ground for a 17 year wait.

Siri says it might rain this afternoon. I hope so – the water butts need filling!

My “Pardon the weeds – we’re feeding the bees” sign is on its way! I hope the pots follow soon, as I have at least 12 mints and herbs to repot.

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