The arguments for ignoring climate change are nonsensical. Firstly that the 99.9% of scientists are part of a multi-national plot to raise taxes!!! Secondly, and propagated by James Lovelock (of GAIA fame) is that we should be spending money on adapting to the change rather than trying to stop it. Thirdly is that it is entirely natural. All complete bollocks and not worthy of explanation and argument.

What needs to happen before governments actual do something rather than congratulate themselves on a few wind turbines out at sea? Extinction rebellion or whatever they are called are well meaning but ultimately are making futile gestures. We have seen clear evidence that 52% of the British Population are either stupid or selfish or both! Maybe that is a little harsh. But Government spending on clean technology is not welcomed by a large number across the political divide.

Governments should demand that the massive profits above are invested in green technology. No cost to the taxpayer and therefore no disquiet (apart from shareholders). The companies would reap the profits from this technology. Win-win. Although Sunak allowed them to keep profits if they invested in new fossil fuel sources I North Sea – a lose-lose scenario.

The second factor that may influence things is the insurance market. Increased claims due to increasing climate change, and thus higher premiums, will have a similar impact.

Thirdly the profits of the oil companies could be affected by countries in Africa and elsewhere using the copious amounts of solar and wind energy available to them.

Fourthly is the personal impact. Meat eating will become more expensive. Travel will change more slowly, but already decisions are being made regarding the distance travelled. For me a trip to the supermarket is £4 or £5 or more depending on where I go. So instead of once a week I alternate fortnightly with a visit and a home delivery.

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