Starmer has to go. Being a Tony Blair clone, a watered down tory is unacceptable. As West Ham United, Everton and other clubs supprorters know, it is not enough to nearly win. Playing with panache and fire is vitally important. Labour have been dour and boring. Whilst an easy target the tories have still managed to come out on top. So Keir, basically F off and let someone with passion take over. Corbyn failed not because of his policies, but due to a lack of fire and rhetoric (and a few dodgy decisions that the press unduly amplified). I am not sure I can think of anyone who fits the bill at the moment. The way politics is nowadays maybe Eddie Izzard.
Turnout in Scotland is up by about 10%. I wonder how this compares with England. Scotland seems to be going SNP – no surprise from me here, I wonder how labour will do in Wales with a decent leader like Drakeford, but he has not got enough umph!
Interesting that Cambridge has turned back on Conservatives. Hartlepool was almost inevitable after Starmer imposed his candidate. Across the rest of England I guess people are just happy to be able to return to a ‘normal’ life. Personally I I am not sure I will ever be happy sit-in a snug in a pub again!
Even if SNP do not get the majority, it will be close, and what does that mean for the UK? And then there is London – possibly still labour and a major part of the economy. If Scotland and N.I. peel off, will London politicians get assertive? The key point might be for them to get a media backer to put their views out.
So not a very United Kingdom! Johnson and co will probably brazen it out for now. However it would seem that 3 of the 4 nations are not happy at being bullied by the other one. And they should not be too complacent about England. All 4 countries have had the same pandemic, similar economic impacts, and yet the votes cast are markedly different. What is the main difference? SNP, WLP and SF are all further to the left – is there a different perception of each ones own governance (NI can be left out as a different case, but not too keen on Brexit).
And the Cornish turkeys continue to vote for Xmas! I can understand the reluctance to vote labour, due to their independent history in mining and fishing. But surely the Green Party should have stepped up to the mark here. In fact at the moment the Green Party are probably a bigger threat in England than labour! Greens have done it in Germany, so come on guys get your act together.